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Everything posted by razu55

  1. Nice. We will waiting here to see your post again for level 2 😄 😄 😄
  2. Awesome. Hopefully, you will get your badge very soon.
  3. Same here also. I'm working on since 2018. I have 6 active gigs. but nowadays, I don't receive much buyer request
  4. wow. Congratulation. It's an amazing feeling 🥰
  5. I have completed the 150+ project today and got 100 reviews on Fiverr!! My all services related to wordpress -> Elementor... / Photoshop. It was a quite fantastic journey.
  6. Welcome to Fiverr.... Some tips for you: ### Create your all 7 gigs by maintaining SEO... ### Send Buyer Request regularly... ### Use Attractive Image on your gig ### Active on Fiverr and Fiverr Forum as much as you can. ### Keep Learning Thanks 😇
  7. Showcase your services + send buyer request regularly... Thanks💗
  8. This just made my day. Fiverr promoted me to a Level One seller! Proud to be part of a platform that recognizes hard work.
    check out my Gigs:


  9. Level 1 ✌️


  10. Slider Revolution.... But keep it in mind that it's a heavy plugin.... it might be decrease your site speed a little bit...
  11. Hello Lutfur... Welcome to Fiverr..... some tips for you... Create your gigs with attractive image... and send buyer request regularly... Thanks
  12. Hello @nununununbitWelcome to fiverr... but why you choose this type of you username... looks weird
  13. Hi... Welcome to Fiverr... Here are few tips for you... Active on Fiverr as much as possible... Create 7 gig with good SEO.... Send Buyer request regularly... And do some marketing.... Hopefully, you will get success very soon...
  14. On Fiverr, I'm promoted to Level 1 seller again.
    The reason for saying the word "again, I was Level 2 seller a few months ago ... but for a little personal problem I could not give much time on Fiverr which resulted in ... I was demoted from Level 2 to Level 1 and again from Level 1 to New Seller...

    But since then, I work hard and I get promoted to Level 1 again this month.
    Hopefully, next month, I'll be a Level 2 seller again.😀
    Thanks to my all respected clients



    The holy month of Ramadan is observed for 30 days.
    During this period, the adult Muslims fast except for people suffering from diseases and illnesses, along with a pregnant and menstruating women. People during this time stay away from sinful activities and prefer to be in prayer most of the time.

    Before the fast, they have the Sehri, which is the predawn meal consumed prior to the morning prayer Fajr. Next, when breaking the fast, when the feast is called, Iftar is made for the nightly meal that breaks the fast after evening prayer, Maghrib.

    It is sunnah to break the fast with dates.
    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
    'If any one of you fasts, let him break his fast with dates, if not with dates, then with water; Surely the water is holy.'
    ~(Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood; Alfiyatul Hadith: 572, pages: 131-132).

     May Allah blesses and protect your family during Ramadan and always.

  16. Guess who just got promoted to a Level Two Fiverr seller?
    Proud to be part of this platform.
    Check out my Gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/share/ZLEGol

    Level Two.png

  17. Congratulations.... Go ahead... Best wishes for you
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