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Everything posted by moshiurkazi

  1. Congratulations to you. I hope you will get more order in future.
  2. Yes you can, But as a seller I recommend that please increase your gig price. it may help you to grow. Because with the proper pricing, the buyer will focus on the potential seller.
  3. Welcome to the Fiverr Forum. Be Patient and just do daily gig marketing. It may help you to grow.
  4. Welcome to the Fiverr forum 🎉 - Be Patient, Keep Growing its just the beginning. Best of luck.
  5. To improve your communication skills, focus on understanding your customers' needs and presenting your ideas. Observing and learning from the techniques of successful professionals can also be helpful. Good luck with your growth. ☺️
  6. Be patience and keep doing the gig marketing, I hope it may help you to grow.
  7. Just be patient, keep the gig marketing going on that's it...
  8. They always try to pretend busy and share unethical ways via invitations or links. First of all please check their profiles before the conversation starts, Maximum times they try using the new account to do spam or any kind of unethical work. 😀
  9. As far as I believe, we need to understand what the future of AI will be. If we understand it, we will be able to answer questions easily. AI will not replace anyone, as it does not have many capabilities right now. However, we must acknowledge the AI tools and understand how they work. In the future, AI tools can be a helping hand, generating text and images quickly and efficiently. 😀
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