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Status Updates posted by imagination7413

  1. I stumbled across this. LOVE THEM! (Just wanted to say that.)

    1. zeus777


      Awe thank you, and WOW, that was from a while ago!!
      Oh good memories indeed. 😄 

      There are times that I get stressed out due to some buyers cough cough but I'm so glad I joined Fiverr, I can't thank my friend enough for recommending it to me!!

  2. Can I just say, that I ADORE your latest post? That was fantastic.

    1. vickiespencer
    2. damooch916


      I had no idea this was sitting here. I’m not positive which post this refers to but thank you none the less. 

  3. A rant outside the Ranting Pot.


    I think I'm getting salty and bitter.

    I miss the Regular's Lounge. I miss the the book-recommendations library, and I miss the thread where we shared some of the more ridiculous BRs we spotted, and I miss being able to share interesting resources with people who would actually read/watch and appreciate and respond.

    The only place I've spotted where there's ongoing conversation is the Ranting Pot, and it's, by it's very nature, full of negativity. 

    "Be the change you want to see." HA. Not possible here. Regulars were striped of their earned status, including the one tool that helped to 'be the change'. It's true that politics move slow, but it's also true that the internet moves fast. It's been six months since the migration. I've seen a few changes. The new forum does have a few nice things, but every day I get a bit closer to going 'nope, I'm done with this trash heap' and leaving despite the few wonderful people I've met here. I'll miss the people, but I WON'T miss the forum.

    There is nothing here for me.

    I'm tired of feeling powerless, unappreciated, used. 

    Maybe it's just the winter season setting in and I've always gotten a bit depressed when there's less sun, and I'm both going to and coming from work while it's dark out. Maybe it's the holidays and me feeling a bit homesick for my family. Maybe it's because getting freaking level 1 made me feel dread and not excitement. Maybe it's imposter syndrome and doubt.


    I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose how I react. I have a life outside these forums.

    Is this goodbye? Not yet, but at this rate, it won't be much longer.

    1. uk1000


      They said they were working on "clubs" (maybe that could give something similar to the lounge) though they said "online" and "offline" and emphasised offline so I don't know why that would be. I don't think they've given any updates on that.

      re: ongoing conversation - maybe the "causal conversations" section could be used. They occasionally post about the bad BR in some section(s) of the forum (though not really in a big thread I think like the other one was).

      There is useful info sometimes posted though.

      I understand what you mean though.

  4. Just noticed, the ToS updated this month.


    Still reading, but haven't found the changes, yet.

  5. Just saw that your "Word Story Game" didn't go so good. Bummer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickiespencer


      Then he made a new Emoji game in which he would post each puzzle and tell the participants if they were correct or not! 

    3. asad931


      The big thing is, he despised Vickie. And he took the competed. He did not it right.

      I hope Vicky will create one more new topic for us. 

    4. vickiespencer


      Do you think he despised me? I thought he just wanted points? 🤔

      "And he took the competed. He did not it right."

      Okay, asad931, I will help you by giving you an English lesson today. 

      I think you meant to say:

      "He made a competing game and doing that was not right."

      I agree! 

      I think was not very happy that I would not play either of his games and instead argued with him. But both of his games were taken down. So we know who was correct. 😊

  6. I am despairing over the two 'Tips' categories. 😨 Is 'category editor' even a permission that can be granted on this new platform? 

    1. krheate


      I wish! I’ve seen so many users who continue to ask for new orders in the Conversations category or advertise their gigs in the FAQ section. And sometimes even when I tell them to change the category, they don’t! 🙄 

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