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  1. mdimran17

    Gig not ranked

    My best-selling gig which has 130 reviews. And I have completed more than 200 orders already . But last 6 months it's not ranked and didn't get any single order from new client .So how can I get a new order in this situation? Yeah, I know Sometimes I can't deliver my work properly or my client doesn't like my work, but that doesn't mean I am not capable for new work ? What type of ranking system is this on fiverr? If no new opportunities come my way, how can I prove that I am capable of doing the work? In this situation, I feel like I can't do anything. But if I couldn't work, how did I manage to complete so many tasks before? Do you have any suggestions for me in this situation ? Thanks All
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  2. It's Christmas time . May be that's why it takes time
  3. Use an email that adds up to your regular activities. Because fiber is keeping a system that no one can schedule any day of your event.
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