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Posts posted by creativecolumn

  1. 23 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    is this your AI reading the text?

    Yes, but the CPU overloading issue is not related to that. As I could see, there are multiple Chrome processes available under your main Chrome process. In technical terms (I prefer not to use them, but anyway) a single Chrome process means a separate Chrome extension, a Notification service, Adware, or a Chromedriver service. So you have multiple of them, under your main Chrome tab. The heavy memory usage is not from a single Chrome process, which means there's a Chrome service regardless the web page loaded. 


    23 hours ago, kingpirux said:


    As the errors indicate, they are 404 (Not found) errors. These errors cannot overload your memory, as the Grammarly scripts were not loaded. If there was a timeout, it could overload the memory for few seconds.


    23 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    is there crypto mining in the background?

    Not on Fiverr's side. But it's possible to run a crypto mining service on your side, if you are not careful enough.


    9 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    there are small windows poping out, small as a finger, since i have blocked all types of popups they are open as windows and can't be hidden

    ADWARE ALERT! Just try reinstalling your browser. If the issue still persists, simply reinstall Windows. Your problem will be solved.


    20 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    Fiverr stopped supporting grammarly many months ago

    Don't spread false information. Fiverr still uses Grammarly in text editors.

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, abulkalam2006 said:

    I want to be logged into the app and two browsers at the same time on a mobile. Will there be any problem with my account if I log in like this?

    Yes, you can. That won't be an issue. But I don't see any specific reason to log in from multiple browsers.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, mdmaniruzzamanh said:

    I need a bank card emergency within 20 hours. But I don't understand which bank account will give me a card today !!! 

    If someone is asking you to input your bank card information, it's a SCAM. 

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, dawar33285 said:

    I put some other project files delivered

    Really? Please recheck Fiverr terms before accessing the marketplace again. There's a less chance of getting your account back, but good luck!

    • Like 5
  5. On 4/7/2024 at 8:51 AM, laurette_design said:

    but I would like to add two more. Is it possible?

    Unfortunately, new sellers can only have up to 4 Gigs. If you would like to create a new Gig, I recommend you to deactivate/delete one of your existing Gigs and create a new Gig. 

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  6. 2024-04-0618_39_06-IDVerificationCAMERAISSUE-StarterQuestions-FiverrCommunity.png.bba78f45d634a4caa499ad25cede66f5.png

    Tap on the highlighted three dots, then select "Open in External browser" or "Open in Chrome". Then it will request camera access through your browser. Android's In-app browser cannot request camera permissions.

    • Like 7
  7. 56 minutes ago, giftedsanjay said:

    The buyer wants to discuss the project via Google Meet, so what should I do?

    The simple answer is "No", you cannot use Google Meet. Instead, you can schedule a Zoom meeting by using this feature.


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  8. designer-life-concept-illustration_114360-1537.png.40b14d9e6212f1e299ef93cbae5dc13b.png

    Hello Fiverr Community,

    Welcome to our discussion on an important topic that every freelancer encounters at some point. As freelancers on Fiverr, we embark on our journey with the anticipation of connecting with clients who value our expertise, appreciate our work, and foster mutually beneficial collaborations. However, it's essential to navigate with a keen eye for potential challenges.

    In this topic, we'll explore key indicators that sellers can watch out for to identify buyers with red flags. By recognizing these warning signs early on, sellers can mitigate risks, manage expectations, and maintain a positive freelance experience. 

    So, let's roll up. Here are some key indicators to watch out for.


    #1 - 🚩 Too much bargaining

    These are the buyers who tend to negotiate excessively on pricing. It's not uncommon for clients to seek the best value for their investment, but when bargaining reaches an excessive level, it can pose challenges for freelancers. Excessive bargaining is less common when buyers place orders directly from your Gigs. However, it becomes more prevalent when you enable the "Request to Order" option.


    #2 - 🚩 "The other seller agreed to do this for $5"

    While it's natural for clients to seek competitive rates, such assertions can sometimes be used as a bargaining tactic, potentially undervaluing the services provided by freelancers. Professional buyers just move on with their desired offer, instead of sending these kind of messages.



    #3 - 🚩 Unwillingness to provide necessary project materials or information

    Some buyers show reluctance or hesitation in providing essential project materials, information, or requirements. This can hinder the freelancer's ability to deliver high-quality work and meet project requirements effectively.



    #4 - 🚩 Lack of responsiveness or communication delays

    Effective communication is crucial for a successful freelance collaboration, and delays or unresponsiveness can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and frustration for both parties.


    #5 - 🚩 History of negative feedback or disputes with other sellers

    Reviewing a buyer's previous feedback can provide valuable insights into their history of interactions with other sellers. This process allows freelancers to gauge potential red flags and make informed decisions before engaging in a business relationship.



    #6 - 🚩 Lower average rating given to other sellers

    If it's consistently low, it can be a potential red flag. You can use this information to make a decision before engaging with certain buyers.


    (This feature is only available for Seller Plus members)


    #7 - 🚩 Pressuring for rushed delivery

    Another red flag to be wary of is when buyers pressure for rushed delivery without allowing adequate time for quality work. This can compromise the quality of the final deliverable and lead to dissatisfaction on both ends. It's essential to set realistic deadlines to ensure the best outcome for the project.


    #8 - 🚩 Frequent changes to project scope or requirements

    This is a common red flag. While some adjustments are expected during the course of a project, excessive changes can disrupt workflow, cause delays, and lead to misunderstandings. It's important for freelancers to establish clear boundaries and communicate effectively to manage scope changes effectively.


    #9 - 🚩 Requesting excessive revisions beyond the scope of the initial agreement

    Another warning sign is when buyers request excessive revisions that go beyond the scope of the initial agreement. While revisions are a standard part of the process, continuous requests for significant changes can lead to scope creep, delays, and dissatisfaction for both parties.


    #10 - 🚩 "Can I pay you directly?"

    This can include attempts to conduct transactions outside of the Fiverr platform, refusal to release payment for completed work, or violations of Fiverr's community guidelines. It's essential for freelancers to ensure that all transactions are conducted in accordance with Fiverr's policies to protect themselves and maintain a positive working relationship with buyers.



    #11 - 🚩 Extending review time for X days after delivery

    While buyers have the right to review and provide feedback on delivered work, excessively prolonging the review period may indicate indecisiveness or a lack of commitment. This can delay payment and prolong the completion of the project, impacting both the freelancer's schedule and income.


    Please note, the buyers can use this feature as it's a part of the Fiverr, but abusing this feature is not professional.

    2024-03-2318_15_55-IdeaGenericcolorfillicon.png.cf48f5c38adf6618dd070566dde2847b.png  In conclusion, identifying and addressing red flags when dealing with buyers is essential for maintaining a successful freelance career on Fiverr. By recognizing these warning signs early on, freelancers can proactively manage challenges, protect their interests, and foster positive working relationships with clients. Remember, communication, professionalism, and setting clear boundaries are key to navigating potential obstacles and ensuring a rewarding freelancing experience. 

    We'd love to hear from other sellers in the community. What red flags do you watch out for, and how do you handle challenging buyer situations?

    Best regards,
    CreativeColumn (Top Rated Seller @ Fiverr) 

    Illustrations by Freepik

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