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Everything posted by voicedbyken

  1. Report and Block them. They can be really frequent while you are lvl 0-1 as they tend to hit those with less to lose and less experience. Once you reach Lvl 2-TRS you will see a dramatic decrease in the amount of scammers. I've only had one hit me in the last 3 years. This happened last night from one pretending to be Fiverr Customer Support who was asking me to provide personal data with the threat of my account being locked.
  2. Looks like there's another webinar 2 days earlier with another boilerplate BS message from staff on how great this will all be for EVERYONE Not sure if it's the same as the one on teh 22nd, but you may want to sign up
  3. Seems to be a trending issue with the new rating system. I suggest editing your original post using the cropped graphic I added to your quote. Your current one is too revealing
  4. It has been living rent-free in my head as well. I don't remember the last time I was this stressed out. I stay away from social media due to it's negative effect with all the doom and gloom, yet here I stay and doom-scroll, reading every post in multiple threads. I've had the same sleep schedule for 25 years and for the past week, I've not slept through an entire night and still wake up at the same time. I think it's hitting a majority of us in a bad way. The longer they wait to address our questions and legitimate concerns, the worse it's going to get.
  5. This would be beyond unfair. In most online markets less than 10% of customers leave a review. Even on P2P site for VO the amount of reviews is far less than I receive here and I hear the same from many of my colleagues. Many people don't even come back to Fiverr for several weeks after ordering and the window to leave a review has already been closed. This also brings many orders to autocomplete due to buyer inactivity and has nothing to do with the seller or their service.
  6. I honestly don't believe that bad private reviews are the issue for those of us who don't have these same sort of publically displayed reviews. Most people who don't leave a public review are the type who don't leave reviews at all. I have many buyers who don't leave a review, but they still leave a tip and compliment me in chat. I have repeat buyers who have purchased 10+ times without ever leaving a review. With the amount of unsavory buyers I've had I can count on 2 hands out of the over 2k sales I've had over the last 5 years and as I can believe they would leave a poor private review, I seriously doubt they can offset the 734 5 star reviews on my Best Selling gig. The "Client satisfaction" score on that gig only says "room for growth" with a score of 8, while all other metrics are showing "Positive Impact". This one score has to be attached to metrics other than secret ratings. The private review answer seems more like a copout than the full story, especially with the recent posts by Fiverr staff concerning "revisions", and "deadline Extensions" having an impact on "Customer Satisfaction". Right now it's all speculation. No one in this forum [including staff] knows anything about how this is being measured
  7. Don't get your hopes up expecting to get any real answers about anything important. They're either in the dark or not permitted to give us the answers we seek. That's how "transparency" works...
  8. 100% Scam. I received a similar message 2 days ago in chat. As @maitasun has suggested - Report them
  9. I don't understand why they can't show us how many negative private reviews we have and the total rating score from those. They could easily do this without disclosing which order, when, or who the buyer was.
  10. It's sad that Fiverr is trying to pin the blame on Private Review when the whole time it's them who are driving our rating down. I'm sure some folks have a bunch of negative private reviews, but I imagine these same people have a good amount of 1 and 2 stars in their public reviews as well.
  11. Sadly, it now makes sense of my scores on my best-selling gig. I have almost nothing but paragraph-long raving reviews from my clients and nothing negative on the success score except "room for growth" and the gig has a score of 8. There have been multiple times the buyer requested an extension or revision in order to get final approval from their client or had some script or direction changes that differed from the original order. I seriously doubt negative "private reviews" are the issue for me, but this makes sense and it's quite upsetting.
  12. Pretty clear to me. It's not about the actual buyer satisfaction but the "buyer satisfaction" score itself. She clearly states that it can impact your score. This is regardless of how the buyer rates us. Instead it's how Fiverr rates us with no regard to why the extention occurred. There should be no confusion about what she means - only denial, because it's rediculous.
  13. This is true, but your final 2 gigs may still leave you with a less-than-desirable success score total as it appears they are weighted beyond the sums given per gig. For example my scores are 9 10 8 10 9 8 9 10 8 which =81 and the average should be 9, but my actual Success Score total is 8. We do not know how this actually works yet.
  14. Take this BS cockroach drama to a new thread! This is not what we're talking about here.
  15. I appreciate that. My prices were $75 to $150 per gig until the beginning of this month. My sales were awful last month for the first time ever. I usually spend $40 in promotions and make over $3k from them alone and last month I spent $180 in promotions and made $190. I cut my rates in hopes of revitalizing my gigs. I even reverted my best-selling Pro gig to a standard gig because it wasn't even getting impressions anymore. Fiverr accounts for 1/3 of my total income in Voiceover as I make most of my $$$$$ directly, but that 1/3 is a lot and I need to make up for it before I can say goodbye to Fiverr.
  16. Thank you! I was starting to get worried when the last poster said they couldn't find me anywhere.
  17. If I'm shadowbanned, that would be the icing on this c**p cake. I've done nothing that could get me shadow-banned unless I'm being punished for my negative opinion about the new update in the forum. Try searching with the terms: "Deep Trailer Voice" "Movie Trailer Voiceover", and "Southern Accent Voiceover" and see what comes up. I usually hit first page results
  18. The tag shows in the regular chat and in the order chat log. It shows even if they don't buy
  19. YES! You don't get charged for promotions from their purchasing - you get charged the moment they click on your promoted gig. We pay for clicks.
  20. It tells you in a system label next to their name, date and time stamp on the initial message whether they buy or not
  21. I do as well, I was under the impression that we were grandfathered into that price when the program launched and would be locked in unless we dropped out of it and tried to return. But who knows...
  22. Last few days I've been getting shady buyers who put 100-words but give 300+ word scripts, and refused offers to adjust for the additional words. Ask for revisions after extending the delivery for 5 days and then come to me with new script for the revision with requests for adding music, etc at no additional charge. Then leave a subpar rating or none at all - which I'm certain they gave me a poor private review. I now have all gigs set for "Order by Request". On top of that, I've been hit with the first scammer I've seen for 3 years. This scammer clicked on my promoted gig costing me money - they were pretending to be CS telling me I need to give them my personal information and login otherwise my account would be locked. I reported and they were removed, but I was still charged for the click. All this happening during the same period of this update is not a coincidence.
  23. In the last 2 weeks I've seen a significant drop in sales. I used to receive 2-5 inquiries per day and now I'm getting one a week. Losing TRS isn't simple losing a badge, I lose my 7 day payment clearance along with same day payout. I also lose those buyers who filter their search to TRS. If Fiverr loves ppl like me, then why the punishment? I see ppl with 4.8 ratings, 98% completion rates scoring a 10/10 while I have 100% across the board and 5 star with over 2000 completed jobs. I never had a 1 or 2 star review and the only 3 star I have is from buyer who didn't get a bunch of free services after receiving a 50% discount. I've never been late on an order, I've never refused a revision and I have an 8/10 with no way of fixing it. So to you it may be "just a level" to me it's was grinding my butt off day after day, bending over backwards, quitting my day job before I was 100% sure. I take it personally, because it is.
  24. Fiverr launched a new update to the rating and level system 2 days ago and if you're "Success Score" isn't at particular number you will lose your current level even if you followed all the rules and never got a warning. Click on "Go to level overview" and then click on the button underneath "Success Score" and on the right hand side you will see a panel that gives a score to each of your gigs and your new Level 0 score is the average shown in the main "Success Score" box. There are several threads about this already and a lot of us are MAD AS HE#L
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