Anyones thoughts on whether to use this? I initially turned my nose up at it even though i've also wanted this feature for ages and i'll tell you why. Because even though direct orders that I haven't properly qualified through engaging with the client first are basically always the ones that go wrong, a portion of them are still fine.
So I took the position that I guess its better to have the odd cancelation with a buyer who hasn't properly discussed their requirements with me and also have this additional revenue of direct orders which went smoothly, rather than not have those cancelations and also not have the additional revenue of the direct orders which went smooth.
But now today fiverr changed their review policy which now means if a buyer cancels an active order with an upcoming deadline then they can leave a public review. Unless they literally ordered by mistake. You can envisage a situation where perhaps a client has a massive misunderstanding of the creative process and ridiculous expectations which often direct orders do because these are people that might not understand the need to communicate first and discuss all of the possibilities of a creative project before committing to the deliverables, these buyers will now be able to review you if the order is cancelled.
Do you really want a buyer saying something like this seller misrepresents their services! they lie about their prices (coz they their incapable of reading or understanding your extras lol), not capable of delivering what they say they will deliver! etc etc. These all of the kinds of things i've been accused of simply because people don't understand the creative process and they haven't communicated with me first to discuss all of the possible variables and so I haven't been able to manage their expectations. And so I feel like i'm forced to turn this feature on now so I can filter out the "crazies" before they can even order because how can I let them loose on a review?