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Status Replies posted by vibronx

  1. Hi, Vibronx! Long time no see you... 😅 How are you today? 🙃


  2. What TV shows/movies are you guys watching right now? I just finished watching Manifest, a thriller about a mysterious plane, and it was amazing!

    1. vibronx


      @coerdelionYes, Dr Strange is very cool as well! Never read the comics, but the movie was awesome!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. What TV shows/movies are you guys watching right now? I just finished watching Manifest, a thriller about a mysterious plane, and it was amazing!

    1. vibronx


      Oh, that is a hard one... My favorite in the comics gotta be Spider-Man, as I read those since I was a kid. Then I really love Captain America, too. He is my favorite in the movies. I liked Deadpool in the old comics before they turned him into a meme character. 

      My favorite team is the Thunderbolts (villains pretending to be heroes)! They will probably come to the MCU one day, probably with a lot of changes to the roster! 

      Who is your favorite?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. What TV shows/movies are you guys watching right now? I just finished watching Manifest, a thriller about a mysterious plane, and it was amazing!

    1. vibronx


      Watching Lucifer on Netflix and Loki on Disney+. I am a bit tired of Marvel these days because of a certain thing they did in another show that I won't reveal in case someone didn't watch it yet! But, I will still give them another chance. Been a fan of the comics since the 90s, so it will take a lot for me to stop watching!

      Never heard of Manifest, but I will keep it in mind for the future!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Well, hello back, Vickie! 💬

    I hope to see many great threads and posts from you on the new forum! Also, I like the clouds on your cover!

  6. Testing a potential great use for this feature - One problem I had with the old forum was that you would often get responses from people who's opinion you may not value who then derail the thread from being a useful discussion and back to "halp me" type discussions. 

    If this type of quick post is only seen by followers of mine (mostly people I follow and who I respect), then is it possible to have a near-private discussion here with like-minded and experienced/capable sellers? Let's give it a go and discuss something here and see if it gets invaded by the masses.

    When moving house, what is your biggest peeve or greatest joy?

    (Also feel free to discuss or comment on the experiment idea too)spacer.png

  7. Since my post a couple of hours ago, the sponsorship offers have been coming in left and right, and I am happy to announce that my profile is now sponsored by "Water"! 

    Remember to drink at least two liters a day, people! 🚰


  8. I see Vickie also stepped by to say hello!!! Now you have two hi's. 😂

  9. Hello, Vibronx,

    I am posting here to say hello, and I look forward to reading your posts once again! 


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