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Everything posted by dolarfive

  1. I also face the same situation. Don't know what happing to us. Day by day fiverr will difficult to get a job from a new client.
  2. Hey Expert, Last few months I can't sell my gigs. When I get a level 2 badge then I notice day by day my gigs are down. I am still trying but can't get actual results. If you guys give me any suggestions on how can i rank my gigs again and increase my sales it will be great for me. Thank you Dolar Sharma
  3. This is right that you tell me? when I get an order then if need any changes on my gig then I can change anything before delivering? And it is not losing rank? did you have any previous practical experience?
  4. Hi After getting level 2 seller my gig was down then I edit the description and change the thumbnail images I am not getting my gig on the search result page. Can you please guys check my profile and give me the solutions? And I have another question why do I see every time only match my one gig description from 6 gigs on the notification bar? I am only getting my move, migration, and transfer gig match offer not getting other gigs. Is there any setting to set any specific gig? Thank You Dolar Sharma
  5. You can contact with fiverr support with all the abidance by screenshot. Hopefully they will give you a better solution.
  6. You can easily check your gig status by clicking GIG from the menu bar. Thank you Screenshot_11365×371 33 KB
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