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Everything posted by jonbaas

  1. I’m confused. Are you complaining because a buyer promised you a tip of a certain size, and then actually tipped half of that amount? Tips are voluntary. You neither deserve them as a seller, nor is it appropriate for you to complain when a buyer doesn’t voluntarily leave a tip in the amount that you want. -Jon
  2. Perhaps it is a good thing, then, that Fiverr is actively encouraging their sellers to charge higher prices. The days of “everything is $5” are quickly disappearing. Fiverr is a full-fledged freelance services website. Serious freelancers are business people seeking revenue for their services, just as this website is Fiverr’s source or revenue. If the prices and fees here are not to your liking, you are welcome to do business elsewhere.
  3. Fiverr only offers 7-day revenue clearance for Top Rated Sellers. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon. Level 2 sellers get by just find with 14-day clearance. 7-day clearance is a special bonus to being a TRS. Why would Fiverr dilute that special bonus, by letting other levels have it as well? TRS sellers have earned special trust and consideration from Fiverr, therefore, they have earned 7-day revenue clearance.
  4. Yes, that is what I am saying. Very well. I’m sure many other veteran sellers (like me), will agree that 1-week and 2-week clearance times are practical and realistic. A random 10-day completion time makes absolutely no practical sense.
  5. Why would Fiverr shave off four days just to allow clearance in 10 days? This makes absolutely no practical sense. The current clearance time is two weeks (14 days = 2 weeks). Two weeks is a fair, and reasonable clearance time for New Sellers, Level 1 and Level 2. If you receive the honor of being promoted to TRS, then Fiverr offers the vetted benefit of 1-week clearance. There is no practical reason to have an odd in-between clearance time. 1-week and 2-week clearances seem perfectly fine as-is.
  6. I disagree. The clearance times seem fine just the way they are.
  7. What makes you think this is happening to “a majority of sellers”? What is your evidence of these claims? Just because something happens to you, and maybe even a handful of other sellers here on the forums, does not mean a majority of sellers are experiencing the same thing as you. Let’s not blow your experiences out of proportion.
  8. Actually, based on your graphic, you impressions merely spiked on August 16, and then returned to normal. You have NOT experienced a massive sudden loss of impressions – for that to happen, you would have to have been high on impressions for a notable amount of time, and then declined. You merely had a one-day spike in visibility. You are, in fact, remaining relatively steady in terms of impressions (even if on the low end).
  9. This probably happened because your gig was taken out of the search results for review. Fiverr reviews all changes made to gigs, and while they are reviewing those changes, your gig will not be searchable. If you made changes, and immediately afterward, your on-site impressions dropped, this “out-for-review” issue is likely the cause. Your gig will not be gaining impressions while it is under review.
  10. Let’s not. It is not our responsibility to determine what services you offer. You know your skills. Offer services that make use of your skills. Offering services that you cannot complete, and have no skills in, will likely ruin your seller reputation, and result in negative buyer reviews.
  11. Oh, my! I bet it’s super cold to touch, let alone sit on. 😯 My 🐴 I believe you’ll be polishing the carriage today, no? Yes. Just before I go out on night patrol as Baasman. 😉
  12. Watch out when you are traveling. The problem is not that Revere likes apples, but that he also leaves apples as gifts for others… 🚫 Pfft. Revere is toilet-trained. 😉
  13. See, I didn’t disclose that tidbit. So, now that the 🐱 I’ll give you props tho, the ride is always smooth and you’re always a gentleman. 😁 The horses are well-mannered, too. Some fresh 🍏 I love Uggs, they are so warm & comfy. When I’m at home lounging, I wear bedroom slippers. Don’t like walking around barefoot. m_55c11b5c4973b63d6c020be7.jpg580×580 127 KB Thank you. We live to serve. 🙂
  14. Oh, hey, that’s a picture of me holding the reigns! And the first horse you see is Revere. He’s quite friendly… and likes apples.
  15. This is extremely unlikely. Even today’s millionaires have spent a lifetime building up their wealth.
  16. Randomly posting your gig links to your friends on social media is NOT going to work. If you want to gain sales from “social media marketing”, you are going to have to be connected to your customers – not your friends. Your friends are not going to be the ones buying your services; the people who need your services – your customers – will be the only people that can make you successful. Please don’t plaster your links everywhere and think that is an effective form of marketing that will bring you endless sales. Odds are, you won’t gain any sales from that “strategy”. If you want to be successful, connect your services to the people who need them.
  17. Well, where are your customers located?
  18. You are welcome for my suggestion that you should spell words correctly. :roll_eyes:
  19. See, this is an example of why you should spell your words correctly. You asked for more “oders” in your gigs. Without the “r” after the “o”, thereby creating the intended word, “order”, you’re left with just “oder”, which, regrettably sounds exactly like the word “odor”. Therefore, by misspelling your request, it reads a bit like you are looking for more bad smells to add to your gigs. No one is going to want to buy a smelly gig. 🤨 And, as a more direct result of your misspelling, the following seems a bit unfortunate as well: According to the urban dictionary, an “ODer” is an “online dater”, referring specifically to two people who are dating in online games or social media. So, by misspelling such an integral word within your request, it looks – quite literally – like you are looking to play matchmaker, and find more online daters to hang out in your gigs. I highly doubt that online daters are your target customers. My advice: Don’t beg for odors or online daters here on the forum. Don’t beg for customers either. Learn how to be a businessman freelancer, and market and promote your gigs to find your customers. Odors, online daters, and all of us here on the forums are NOT your customers. If you’re not going to take your freelance career seriously – or professionally,… why should we? And, to answer your question more specifically… Your grammar and context is terrible. Since you are seeking “oders” (orders), I shall assume that by “writing a buyer request”, you actually mean writing a seller RESPONSE to a buyer request. The best way to do that is to directly address what the buyer is asking for, and show the buyer how you can fulfill their need. There is no single way to do this. Connect with the buyer. Offer your services. That’s how it works.
  20. Hard work is part of every business. Why wouldn’t that be the same for freelancers here on Fiverr?
  21. I would agree with this statement. The new sellers who complain about their Fiverr career being over, just because they lost a badge, are definitely focusing on the wrong thing. Buyers likely notice the seller “badges”, but those badges are not as important as skill, quality, and professional attitude. The sellers that focus on these things are usually the sellers that succeed here on Fiverr. It is always good (and wise) to research and gather data. 🙂
  22. My buyers rarely say anything about my seller badge being an influence on their purchase interest. What they do tell me is that they saw my reputation, the strong interest from other buyers, and my gig gallery (i.e., my skills), and purchased from me because of those things. My clients choose to work with me because I can prove that I am good at what I do, and I have the reputation of being a fantastic seller to work with. So, in answer to your questions, I have found that quality and skill are far more important to buyers than the level badge that a seller has. A badge is just a badge – skill is hard to fake.
  23. I prefer not to dominate the world. The last time someone tried to do that, it resulted in WWII. 😉
  24. I don’t understand this comment. You dropped your computer and it broke? I’m not sure how you want us to help you with that. :thinking: How do you forget your own email address? No, I am not going to look at your profile. Me doing so will not make you more successful.
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