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Everything posted by vickiespencer

  1. What bothers me more are users on the Forum that perseverate on teeny tiny issues and go into an explanation in great detail. I am done responding to that type of poster. 🙅🏻‍♀️ 😉
  2. There are many more things I would rather see corrected first.
  3. I understand what it should say because the stat should be in hours, but it is okay for me since Fiverr has gray text explaining it. I think Fiverr wanted to standardize the first three stats on the analytics page, so they chose to do it in percent, whether it was mathematically correct or not.
  4. On the analytics page, a grey explanation clarifies what the response time percentage is. The wording makes sense to me. Respond to 90% of the inquiries you received in the last 60 days.
  5. No. It was also difficult. Not so! I started in 2017, and my gigs took a long time to take off. In the meantime, I spent a lot of time on the Forum reading how to improve my profile and gigs. Then, I made those improvements. Eventually, I gained traction.
  6. They are clearly two different things, and Fiverr makes that distinction. On my profile, I see this: In my analytics, I see this: On my dashboard, I see this: Recently, I failed to respond to a message in my inbox within 24 hours. My response time decreased by an hour, and my response rate went to 99%. They are clearly different to me.
  7. A precaution I take is to have the usernames on all my accounts be something other than my name. For example, I will use something like "Butterfly" for a unique username in addition to individual passwords.
  8. Also, why do you have an image of some random woman on your gig image? Buyers will feel misled when they click on your profile and see that the image is not you. Either take the image out or put one of yourself.
  9. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010452637-Response-rate-and-response-time-FAQs
  10. I cannot guarantee that, but it will increase your chances of being noticed.
  11. Fiverr gives sellers 24 hours to reply to messages before the response time goes down. Many of my messages come in the middle of the night. By responding to them in the morning I have never had an issue with my response rate going down. I sleep nine hours a night and log into Fiverr after I wake up. Then, I sign off in the evening. Yet, my response time is still one hour. And I did not lie. It is YOU who does not understand how Fiverr works. Thus, you think things that are incorrect.
  12. Look at your gig images: They are cut off. 😱 Also, your gig images have too many words. Buyers do not take the time to read as many words as you have on your gig images. Your message to them needs to be brief—only 4 or 5 BIG words at most. Look at this TRS's gig image:
  13. We were all new sellers. I never employed even one of your suggestions. I just looked at your profile. We have been Fiverr sellers for about the same amount of time. I have sold 2741 gigs in that time and you have 62 reviews. Whose tactics are working better?
  14. Fiverr gives new sellers a temporary boost when they start. I hope you at least adjust your sleep schedule and do not try to stay on Fiverr around the clock. Yes, every day because they know I will provide excellent service worth waiting for. Where is your proof of this? I am a buyer and a seller. I never search for online sellers. I search for sellers with many great reviews because I know they will be able to provide the quality of service I seek.
  15. I just checked my gigs' placement too. I have 5 of my 12 gigs on the first page of search and have never used social media to promote them.
  16. @vickieito endured the misfortune of having her account hacked. Maybe she has some insight for you.
  17. @visualstudios, I mistyped that. It was a buyer who did not want to work with me.
  18. I wonder if this goes for buyers and sellers. I was contacted by a buyer who did not want to work with me if I was a Christian.
  19. You may be interested in this post and its replies.
  20. I rarely look at impressions and clicks. I need to be more scientific!
  21. Fiverr does not promote gigs they feel do not reflect well on the platform, even though they allow them to be posted. Mind-reading may be one such gig.
  22. I think it is more about the updated gig being scanned for words, phrases, and any new titles that may break Fiverr's TOS.
  23. It is difficult to see a pattern when so much depends on private reviews and first-time buyers. I try to only edit one or two gigs at a time, so hopefully, my other gigs are still visible. When I edit a gig, I make sure to make all the changes in one sitting.
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