Buyers trying to get original, quality content may feel misled by sellers using AI-powered writing tools to generate content instead of producing it from scratch. As a writer, I've lately been met with many potential clients asking me to "prove" that I actually write.
AI writing tools have been around since I started my writing career 8 years ago. The difference now is that they've gotten very widely known and far more powerful in the past few months, and that has buyers concerned. In my opinion, writers can use these tools, but I believe it should always be disclosed to the client if they do — and hopefully they do more than just copy/paste what the AI generated and sell it to you.
Is AI-generated content a bad thing?
Whether you love AI or hate it, you have to make sure you follow the best practices:
Content should be original and add new insights instead of regurgitating ideas already on the web
Content should demonstrate first-hand experience and expertise (part of Google's E-E-A-T model)
Content should match your brand's voice and speak directly to your target reader's pain points
The biggest issue with AI-generated writing is that it doesn't do any of these things. A writer can edit and expand on it to make it so, but how do you know if your writer is using AI to generated some or all of the content they're sending to you?
Detecting AI
I have tested many tools over the past few months and I have found that the absolute best is Copyleaks (free to use for now). This will tool will tell you approximately how much of the text was AI generated. It works best on longer pieces of content.
No doubt, this tool is not foolproof, which is why I firmly believe the best AI detector following this tool is YOU. When reading content, ask yourself:
Did the writer use varying sentence lengths and a wide vocabulary?
Did the writer avoid redundancy in terminology and concepts?
Did the writer follow the instructions you gave them for structure?
Did the writer incorporate any unique insights that imply industry expertise?
Did the writer include links to all of the sites they referenced during research?
Did the writer properly express your brand's personality with their writing style?
If you can't confidently answer "YES" to all of these questions, it really doesn't matter if they used AI or not (though the probability that they did does go up). Your content should always meet these standards if you're paying fairly for it.
I hope that helps! 🙂