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Posts posted by donnovan86

  1. 31 minutes ago, cucinavivace said:

    If you go down a level or in your success score, you fall out of rank in marketplace placement, and your income tanks no matter how many stars you have. 

    It's due to private feedback and I am sure no seller likes that. But it is what it is, at this point I just got used to it, and generally you have a good idea when an order goes wrong and a buyer leaves a bad private review. Then again, I had only 5 star reviews for months and my success manager that private reviews were not that great. That's because few people leave private reviews. And many of those that do.. let's say they tend to not leave great ones. So at least in my case, and I am sure for other people too, negative private reviews tend to be very problematic. And if your happy customers don't leave private reviews, yet unhappy customers do.. then those negative private reviews will have a larger impact. 

    Why did you stop your gigs though? You can't have visibility without active gigs...

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  2. 3 minutes ago, carineb said:

    Fiverr is currently conducting tests. I have no doubt they will implement the best solution, as they always do😁

    From what tests I saw, I think this one with decimals is by far the better one. It's not perfect, but at least it solves Fiverr's obsession with everyone having 5 stars. Not sure if it makes choosing people easier but hey.. it might. It definitely offers a better perspective over your competitors as a seller, in my experience. So I hope they add it.

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  3. 5 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    I got the same. I always got the maximum score (5) and yet I dropped to 4.9.


    I think there are different experiments running around on the platform right now. For example, I see scores in decimals for every gig and profile. And few to no people have 5 stars, unless they have under 100 reviews. Most people have 4.88, 4.90, 4.94 scores and stuff like that. And honestly, it does make the platform free of only 5 star gigs. 

    Here's how it looks for me when I search something in the SEO section, for example. I do like this change, I think it does eliminate the stigma of gigs only having 5 stars. The downside: every decimal matters 😄 So yeah, lots of different experiments it seems. 


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  4. 2 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    They can know, it's public information. The fee is stated on purchase, and the TOS outlines the commission - and you should read the TOS when creating an account.

    Theoretically. But as she said, who reads these things. People don't read gig descriptions, and from my experience, many buyers don't read the TOS. At least when it comes to writing, I have a LOT of students coming in all the time asking sellers to do their homework or yearly projects. It clearly says in the TOS no academic content, but few of them even read that. 

    Getting back to the idea I quoted, I never see Fiverr showing that. Yes, you can try to research online and stuff like that. But Fiverr showing that to their buyer.. I don't ever see that happening. Unless of course, there's some legal requirement to do that in the future. Hey, until this year they were not forced to share our data/income with European tax authorities, now they started doing so to comply. But it's very unlikely..

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  5. 2 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    Literally every publicly traded company. Which Fiverr is.

    Directly to clients when they buy something from them? I doubt that. 

    Hey, I am selling you this product for $X, but I got it for $20 cheaper, yet here's how much I make off you 🙂 Sure, some companies show the yearly or quarterly profit, however the person I quoted, anniejenkinson, was mentioning she is upset because some buyers believe she is the one inflating the price, not Fiverr adding a fee on top of that. She said it would be great for buyers to know how much a seller makes from that transaction, which means Fiverr would have to disclose their profit margin for that transaction when buyers place an order. 

    I haven't seen a company to show their profit margin to a client when they buy something 🙂Your response is in regards to publicly traded companies which are obliged to show yearly/quarterly profits. But in this case, I don't ever see Fiverr showing "hey, we get a $1 cut from each $5 the seller gets paid, etc".  

    I would be amazed if a for-profit business shows that to their client directly when they buy something. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, anniejenkinson said:

    Fiverr, be transparent and show the buyers exactly how much a seller will receive because it's way off what the buyers think we receive.

    To be fair, what business shows its profit margin to clients these days :)) It would be great, that way buyers would see how much we make instead of saying we overcharge. 

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  7. You can't offer this type of advice when you have just a single review, just saying. 

    The idea of staying online on Fiverr is particularly bad, because few to no people use that filter. And even if they would, those persons that are in a rush are usually a nightmare to work with, they are always unhappy and you might end up with a bad review most likely. 

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  8. From my experience, no. Only 60% or less of my orders receive a review. Yet I don't see a huge difference. Of course, it will benefit you more if you have a great review, an automatically completed order won't do you any good or bad, you just get the funds. However, people might just leave it to complete automatically and leave a private review. That will affect you..

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  9. Honestly, in my case, I would focus on personal branding. That means buying a little bit of everything, creating another personal website or maybe improving the one I currently have, buy email marketing services, SEO, social media ads, and also pay a tutor for a few marketing lessons, specifically stuff that's newer and due to being busy I didn't get caught up to it yet. 

    • Like 24
  10. 4 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Eh, oh well.. I'm just a bit confused at the score jumping around, I guess. 

    If the order was initiated and it was canceled after that, I get the reason why your score dropped. Still, I really hope they solve this problem because it's very annoying to be told by CS that your score is not affected, yet all of a sudden the score drops. Hopefully a fix is coming with the rollout in 2 weeks.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I did have a cancelation yesterday (waited two months for the requirements but they might not be done for 3-4 more months but still...)


    They still haven't fixed that problem with cancellations, have they? If the order doesn't have any requirements and it's inactive, canceling it still affects your score? WHY? I have 15 of those in queue right now, and they will most likely be canceled by Fiverr in a year or two. Hopefully they solve this by then.. if it's canceled due to not sharing guidelines or being inactive, it shouldn't affect the seller's success score. That's unjust and completely unfair.


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  12. 26 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I'm fine with 1-2 'bad' reviews, but I'm not sure I can stand behind 'very good' potentially bringing a penalty to sellers. Even if the public rating isn't everything, it still feels very dishonest to me because of that. As a buyer, if I rated someone as very good, I would be complimenting them in my mind. 


    Well they are not bad, they are actually quite good, just not perfect how we want them to be. I had 2x that happen to me yesterday. Both happy, both tipped, and as you can see from the review messages, nothing was wrong.

    At this point, I just accept the review scores are going to be way different in the future. I used to have tons of anxiety with the Fiverr levels and systems, but not anymore.  

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  13. 15 hours ago, hoojinny said:

    do you realize that any slight change will mess up your algorithm and that will make seller miserable?

    One might think they already made changes to the algorithm too, now that the cancellation rate is not a separate metric, among others. Most likely their algorithm started taking into account a lot of other things too. Who knows, really. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, carineb said:

    I love it. A change that makes sense!



    Here's the average I see for your profile. I have a 4.94 average, and I had no idea if I was closer to 4.90 or 5.0. At least now I know. 

    Yeah, I was randomly selected for the test I think, but it's nice to see the true averages of people and not 4.9 or 5 approximations. I am sure the success score will eventually be changed to reflect this because you know.. it makes sense. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Me, too. If there are too many 5 star gigs, this is a logical solution.

    Honestly, I checked multiple categories and most of them don't really have a 5 star review on the first page, unless that gig has under 50-100 reviews. But older gigs.. bye bye 5.0 ratings 😄


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  16. I see. It still shows to me. So it's most likely an experiment. Still.. considering Fiverr's direction and their recent changes, I can definitely see this becoming a thing after mid-March. They did say the new rating and level system are modified in iterations so.. this might be the final change. I found this while checking my main gig and seeing that it doesn't have 5.0 anymore, instead it had 4.95. Not a huge dip or anything, but I was curious and checked a multitude of other gigs, and they all had decimals. That's why I shared a screenshot. 

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  17. And by the way, for those wondering, this appears in Google Chrome for now, at least for me. Other browsers still show the previous gig average. However, it's clear that this system is implemented and my assumption is that it will most likely be what we will see starting with March 15th. So if you want to see your new gig scores, just paste your gig's link in Chrome. 

    For me, the system seems to heavily penalize older gigs, because newer gigs have a higher chance of getting that 5.0 score. From what I checked, the majority of people have 4.95 or under, at least those with hundreds or thousands of reviews. 

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