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Posts posted by cartoon_avatar

  1. Asking for deposit definitely sounds like a scam. Though with increasing scammers on Fiverr, receiving such messages/requests has become normal. So, be aware!
    You can also read this article to be aware of some red flags when selling on Fiverr -


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  2. Nice post @vickieito 🙂

    I know that one of the reasons for not getting buyer briefs, as per Fiverr is,  "Fiverr uses a wide range of quality criteria that are taken into consideration to determine seller eligibility." 

    But, I think another reason might be that the feature is not fully rolled out yet? (As we can still see the Buyer Requests option under "My Business" dropdown). 

    It would be great if @Lena can shed some light on this.

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  3. On 11/9/2022 at 10:40 AM, imagination7413 said:

    Not sure if that can be done (code wise). Invision (the platform) doesn't seem to have that option. I haven't read all the pages, though, so it might be under a different section. 

    Oh I see! In case you find anything related in their documentation, can we do something about that then? I mean, do you have the access to these settings as a moderator? Or can you share the suggestion to the admin as a moderator? 

    • Like 7
  4. On 11/8/2022 at 2:39 PM, miiila said:

    From around 7 years of Fiverr forum experience, I think that most persons who don't have anything additional to say, will still add a reply.

    On 11/8/2022 at 2:58 PM, catwriter said:

    The same way they're supposed to use the "thanks" emoji instead of replying with "thank you", but they reply with "thank you" anyway?

    I agree with you on this! (looking at the threads getting bombarded with congrats and thanks messages). But, at least people who don't want to spam can use the reactions (like we are using for thanks and congrats)  

    A way to get rid of these spam messages can be this:-

    Automatically locking the threads like 'I got a new order', 'I completed X orders' for further replies. In this way, the only option anyone would have is to add a reaction. 

    • Like 6
  5. Just now, vickieito said:

    I'd also like to add a "shocked face" emoji because that is my reaction to many of the posts on the forum.

    Well, I think, It can be useful! Plus this emoji 🙅🏻‍♀️, for all those 24/7 stay online advices? I think others would also have some cool suggestions for the reactions. Waiting for what all others have to say on this 🙂

    • Like 9
  6. I've noticed that, in the user introductions category, whenever a new user post something like -'I'm new on Fiverr/Fiverr Forum' ; 

    The most common reply is - Welcome to the forum or Welcome to Fiverr.

    Can we get a reaction for this, to say welcome or hello to the new user? (for example, like a waving hand 👋🏻 )

    So, if a person doesn't have anything additional to say to the new user, he/she can just react on the post instead of adding a reply?

    What do you all think?

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  7. @frank_d, I just wanted to tell you that your post Fiver 3.0 is great! I recently read it after @Lena shared the link with me in a discussion.

    On 11/4/2022 at 1:29 AM, frank_d said:

    1) it was brought to my attention that my posts can be perceived as me gatekeeping information or having some sort of exclusive access others don’t 


    On 11/4/2022 at 2:10 AM, frank_d said:

    I wouldn’t want my behavior to hurt anyone either on this forum or Fiverr staffers.


    Frankly speaking (looking at the fact that Lena is a Fiverr Staff member and she shared the link to your post as a reference instead of any official Fiverr article), I don't think what you posted is hurting anyone either on this forum or Fiverr staffers. In fact, the post is quite helpful (as accepted by Lena, a Fiverr Staff Member) and many other community members.

    On 11/4/2022 at 1:29 AM, frank_d said:

    I can post a follow up post with new findings if people are interested,

    I would love to know about your new findings 🙂

    • Like 18
  8. 23 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    It's actually been about 4 months (since July 9th), when it was first announced on the forum that buyer requests were getting a makeover

    Perhaps you are right on this, perhaps these talks started 4 months ago. But these days, It's been all over the place (to an extent that all I can see on the forum is the BB/BR threads). 
    I fear that we all can miss some important posts, if this continues for a few more days.

    36 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I've been responding to many of these posts every day and I'm not sure if I'm much help either. 

    It is nice of you to respond to these threads. But, looking at the current situation, I think reporting the new BR/BB posts can be a better option to declutter (till people accept the things as they are, stop creating these repetitive threads).

    • Like 92
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  9. BRs or BBs - Why are you hiding from me? Don't be so mean! 😖

    Come to my inbox as well, please 🤗

    Well, for those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about, it is about this ⬇️

    From a past few days, or perhaps approximately a month, I've seen countless threads on the topics like;

    • I'm not getting any brief
    • I no longer get buyer requests
    • How to get briefs or buyer requests
    • What can I do to receive these?
    • Bring back buyer requests


    Fellow Sellers,

    I understand that you are worried because you are probably not getting any orders & want to improve your business. But, posting these repetitive BB/BR threads will not help you in any way.  

    After setting "Get Briefs" option on, there is nothing much that you can do to receive briefs from your side.  Stop worrying about the things that are not under your control and stop wasting your time on this. Instead focus on something that you can control, something like improving your skill set & making your gigs better?

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  10. 13 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I looked at the link and it took me to Fiverr Business (for buyers). I did find the section for Fiverr Business (for sellers) and it looks like buyers can sign up, but sellers have to qualify (see below from the FAQ section):


    Check the another link, that I mentioned for process. And move to the section- 

    If you are new to Fiverr Business

    It seems like the process is same for sellers and buyers.

    By the way, I did check the link you sent earlier. It might be useful to select which gigs (out of all your gigs) are eligible to get listed on the Fiverr business catalog.

    Plus, as per the screenshot that @strategist_ceo shared yesterday (of a seller buyer profile); I think, the way to start with Fiverr business is to login first on Fiverr business.

    I tried checking whether i'm thinking in the right direction by trying to login on Fiverr Business. But, I couldn't draw the conclusion, as it's not available in my country.

    Perhaps, you can try once. I think there is nothing wrong in trying that 🙂

    • Like 13
  11. @strategist_ceo and @vickieito, You can join Fiverr Business from this link (If Fiverr Business is available in your country)-


    You can see the detailed process for it here-

    It is not available in my country. Probably, this is the reason that I didn't receive any invite or notification for it.


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  12. 3 hours ago, damooch916 said:

    Or … ya know, just post a picture of yourself rolling your eyes

    So, here it is 🙄. As you requested one of the two, either costume images or reaction. 😆 

    As we don't celebrate halloween in our region, I thought why not participate here with rolling eyes 🙂

    It is always good to know about different cultures, enjoy seeing & knowing the beautiful moments of others  and feel like being the part of the community 🙂


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  13. 56 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    It's just your profile picture brings back memory of me playing MapleStory many years ago

    Tbh, I have never heard about MapleStory till now. 😅 I did a quick google search about it just after seeing your post. But I'm glad that my profile pic refreshed some of your good old memories. 😀

    By the way, Is fiverr business an invite-only program or can we apply for it as a seller?

    • Like 21
  14. 6 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    Check your profile page (under your profile picture) for a Fiverr business profile. If you find one, you are already on it.


    Just Checked! The option is not available on my profile page. And I just did a quick search about Fiverr Business. It seems it is something for Fiverr buyers? Or does it offer something for sellers as well?

    • Like 25
  15. 7 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    'm not on seller plus. 

    Thanks for clarifying.

    20 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    It's in those gigs that are already listed in Business

    Is there a way to list your gigs in Fiverr Business? I was not active on Fiverr for some period, so am not aware of this Fiverr Business thing.

    • Like 25
  16. 1 hour ago, grafixer1000 said:

    but one thing which I see and shocked that there a lot of new sellers that they have 0 orders and not they are pro sellers and still in best selling filter... that is totally horrible. even they don't have any order on any of their gigs!

    Exactly! Even I noticed the same thing and posted here a few day ago about it, but unfortunately the post went un-noticed and didn't receive any reply.


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