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Posts posted by gunawanguan

  1. 17 hours ago, vanadium1st said:

    Gradients can't be recolored in the editor, but they can be uploaded. So can upload a logo with a gradient, you just will be stuck with a single gradient option. Sometimes it's worth it.

    You mean we can upload an SVG with gradient?
    But then if we want to make a color variations, it can only be a solid color?

    If that is the case, so in our display,  we will have at least 1 logo as gradient color.
    Is that correct?

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  2. 3 minutes ago, ana_standret said:

    I got two 4.7 review in the last few days just related to the new metrics Value for Money. Still, I got tips for both orders and very nice words in feedback about client' experience. I do not understand this parameter at all. I do not force clients to order my service, so if they choose it they should consider if it is cost-effective for them. Should we all sell our services for $5 to get 5 stars for Value for money?
    This new review system is a disaster. 


    This is some of the case that I mean where "TIP" from client sometimes speak up more than their review.
    So if Fiverr can add TIP as a plus score, that will make this new level system better and balance.


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  3. @Kesha

    I don't know if this is the right place to talk, but I think it still has something to do with the new level system.
    So I thought, maybe the Fiverr team could hear it.
    I find this new system interesting and measures whether or not we are worthy enough to reach the level we should be at.
    It's like if we are level 2, then provide quality work as a level 2 seller.

    The way clients rate us from various aspects is good to help us sellers maintain good work but at the same time it is a bit difficult if clients don't care even though we have done a good job.
    In my experience, I once got so many tips but clients kept giving me only 4 stars, and they repeated orders.

    So, if I may suggest, maybe in this new level system, TIP can add to our score.
    Because there are several clients who have thoughts like this

    "My tip was more than enough to appreciate the seller's good work.
    So I no longer need to fill out reviews / judge based on reviews"

    So if clients who tip can add to our score, it will be very helpful for balancing in this new level system.

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  4. 6 hours ago, gunawanguan said:


    Hello Kesha.
    Sorry for asking it here.

    I just check my level page and got this warning messages.

    Your level progress is on hold

    You’ve received a warning about activity that violates Fiverr’s policies. Your progress in the level system is on hold until the warning expires on Feb 21, 2024.

    What does it means?
    I mean, where can I know what activity that I did that violates Fiverr's policies?
    Thank you.


    Still waiting for this reply.
    Thank you for your time Kesha.

    I really appreciate that.

    • Like 15
  5. @Kesha

    Hello Kesha.
    Sorry for asking it here.

    I just check my level page and got this warning messages.

    Your level progress is on hold

    You’ve received a warning about activity that violates Fiverr’s policies. Your progress in the level system is on hold until the warning expires on Feb 21, 2024.

    What does it means?
    I mean, where can I know what activity that I did that violates Fiverr's policies?
    Thank you.

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  6. Just now, visualstudios said:

    But what would you prefer? That it counted 9 years? That it counted 1 year? 60 days? Why?

    A line has to be drawn somewhere.

    To be honest, the answer is relative.
    If they count 2 years back, but not give a weight too much compared to our success job, then I agree with 2 years period.
    The thing is (but I'm still trying to figure it out), I don't know how they weight the bad order experience compared to the good one.
    I can say from my experience working on Fiverr, which got maybe just got 0.2 or 0.3% from my total sales that has a negative experience. And around 60% got a positive experience, including positive feedback, tip, etc.

    But with this new level system, I got only 5 in my overall score.
    I don't know how much they give a weight to that bad experience order which can make 0.2% bad can be more weighted compared to 60% good.

    Still trying to figure it out.

    • Like 8
  7. 2 minutes ago, awaisahmed489 said:

    Taking 2 years of data to calculate the success score is not fair. I remember that I canceled an order in 2022 and it is the only canceled order for this gig but it still impacts the overall score. If we calculate that way then it may take so much time to recover our stats back. 

    BTW I'm demoted to Level 1 from Level 2 Cheers

    Same to me.
    I have been work on Fiverr almost 9 years this year.
    And so far, I never complaint about any features fiverr applied, even it's hard to adapt.

    But for this one, I do feel the same.
    Counting it as 2 years back will be so not fair that it can impact our performance.

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  8. 1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

    True that but I still would like to get it confirm from the Fiverr Staff so that we can take further steps/actions to improve our services/gigs. I have only 1 gig which is not selling well that's why wanted to confirm still.

    But it looks like that with the addition of new changes/updates, we gotta update ourselves too.. :classic_mellow:

    I'm following up with the same questions, looking up for the answer.


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  9. 1 minute ago, anabellamadeo said:

    The concept of "private rating" itself shouldn't exist. Everything we do as sellers is out there and evaluated, and we're held accountable for that, which is fair. Why should buyers be given the chance to leave a secondary, *secret* review of our work? What is even the point? No strings attached, no accountability -they could write whatever crosses their mind at that moment knowing that we won't be able to ever read it, unaware of how their words can affect us. I've had buyers who were super happy with my service during the process leave 3 or 4 stars ratings, and when asked what could I have done to improve their experience their reasons were "Sorry, I was having a bad day" and "I felt Fiverr was pushing me to leave a not perfect review". I swear this is true.  

    And this out factor of your performance, will affect your enitre work, next future sales badly.
    I agree with this, the fact that private review factored a lot of our gig performance seems not fair.
    Like this customer, just because they have a bad day, they ruin the life of seller for 2 months.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Kesha said:

    scores will take into account ratings from the last 2 years, instead of lifetime ratings. 


    Does it means, if we are having a gig that have negative feedback from 2 years, it will make the score for that gig bad, let say make it just have a score 1 and it will affect the other gig score too?
    Don't you think 2 years is too far for having an impact to all of the other gig that perform well?

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  11. 39 minutes ago, Kesha said:

    Hi! @donnovan86 @gunawanguan It will not be necessary for you to pause/stop your gigs with a lesser volume of orders. Each gig will have it's own success score. Your overall Seller success score will take into account the success scores from each of your gigs. Gigs with a higher volume of orders will have a more significant impact on your overall success score, while Gigs with fewer order histories will contribute to a lesser extent. Hope this helps! 

    Does it means, let say we have 1 gig with a great success score, a lot of orders.
    This gig might have a better rank

    And on the other hands, we have 1 other gig that has a low success score, low volume of orders.
    This gig might not perform well on the rank.
    But this will not related or impact our other gig?

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  12. 52 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    I do have a question, if a gig has no sales, does that have a negative impact on the success rate? If that's the case, I guess it's better to pause/stop non-performing gigs? Or am I misunderstanding?

    I have the same questions.
    Following up so I can read the answer when it got updated.

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