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  1. I just saw one of your posts and it made me wonder about if you got to become a member of the Seller Success Program? 

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    2. gunawanguan


      I don't know about my interaction with my customer. But I tried to be as friendly as I can. I always call all my customer with my friend (from all 9000 customer I served on fiverr, only 1 that said not comfortable called a friend. Most of them like to be called like that).

      I tried to be as nice as possible. Some of my repeated customer feel like a family. We can share about our condition. They can share about their family, about their career, etc.

      Can I asked for your personal opinion, about my customer interaction? What do you think about me. Whatever it is, I can take it.

    3. vickiespencer


      I would not call any of my customers 'friend' until we knew each other well. To me it seems like you are trying to be over friendly. 

    4. gunawanguan


      Oh okay, that is a good opinion.
      So for all new customer, it would be better if I called them by just it's username? Don't you think it's more like not really polite, if maybe the username doesn't represent her/his name. For example abc1234.

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