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My story ,my experience


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Hello guys ,
my name is ikram ,on fiverr you can find by marki0315. i am going to share my experience about how I started my work and how I got to this level ,was that good or bad for me and some tips .


I always had the affection for different art software ,so i start using Photoshop ,doing silly edit ,making different stuff which made no sense ,i was nowhere near to professional work ,i use to post my work on different Facebooks groups asking for constructive criticism. mostly i got comments that my work look fake ,like a cartoon , so i took that idea , started research on cartoon image and digital painting. there were no professional people in that field around me so all i got was internet and i took full advantage of that . with time and practice ,i was getting better and better , i was still posting these photo in Facebook group ,i never got bored because this was something i love to do , so my style was getting better with a look,which was like digital painting ,cartoon ,and photo editing ,i got some hits on Facebook ,till than i never thought about selling my work .i thought it was not possible .


One day i got a message from a guy ,who wanted a picture in that style ,so i made it like i use to do , so i sent the image and he was impressed and he told me about fiverr and how i can sell my work there , but honestly i didn’t believed ,because i was thinking like a common person of my region that nobody pays an artist. But i started the work on fiverr and I was wrong , it was pretty simple ,the site was simple and easy to understand ,the guy helped me a lot in setting my account , so i started with one gig.
at start like everyone i was after my first order , everyday i use to log in and use to look at my gig ,and log out after 5 to 6 days ,the thought that. Its fake was dominating but there was little hope .so i start modifying my gig . i took fiverr forum and talked with the guy who helped me and made lot of improvement in my gig and made some other gig and again i sat down with patience.
after 15 days ,it was around 1 am , i was just going to sleep ,i thought about checking my profile and voila i got my first order for 20$, first i was little worried ,because this was my first sale,
so i took my time and start my work , and delivered the order with a nice message and went to sleep ,in morning , first thing i did was to check my profile and i was amazed ,the order was marked complete with a wonderful review and a 5$ tips, so i earned 20$ which use to be my pocket money for my whole month . i told everyone about this and like before no one believed me , but i was now convinced that this is legit .
i start spending more time .explored the site more , and with time i was well aware how the site was working and within few days i got my next order and again another great review .this is how all started . i got most of order by buyer request , my communication was good ,i was convincing people to buy my gig and like everyone i made some mistakes , the common mistake i made because i was getting bit little greedy was getting work which i was not able to get done , which ended with some low rating reviews . i didn’t realize that rating matter at that time. This was my hobby at start, my main focus was on my study. But the thought that we study so we can earn and live better got to my mind, than I started to work too much ,there comes greed and lust of money , so I was disturbed between studies and work that end up getting bad at both ,progress at fiverr got slow and got bad in education sector .
I am still struggling to get back in education sector if you have some advice do share .


1.Fiverr is very easy to you, earning here is not hard if you know your skills.
2.Communication is important, at start this is your sword, and so have a strong grip on this.
3.Managing skills should be great, on fiverr you start from zero and you grow daily, so if you cannot manage it ,it will definitely hurt you (as in my case ).
4.Do what you love and you will fly in the sky
5.if you are a student , and you have enough fund for education then don’t start work not now ,if you do that do work related to your field ,or you might end up losing both ends of game .
6.Develop new skills,one skill won’t hold long on fiverr if you are working full time.
7.lust of earning is bad …very very bad . so beware ,earn but live also .
8. Time is changing so get a skill ,you will not last long if you don’t have proper skill.
9.Read the TOS OF FIVERR. if you want to progress ,want to stay alive on fiverr platform
10.if you are working on fiverr, be confortable .have comfortable delivery time ,if you got the skill buyer will come to you .
11.say NO ! if you want to suceed ,saying no will save you ,don’t let the other buyer take the advantage of sitution .
12.The more time you spend on fiverr , the more you will learn and earn .
13.Don’t put your feet on two different boats at a time ,work on one skill ,develope it ,master it .
14.Be honest , honesty is the best policy .
15.Live the life , don’t put extra stress.don’t work 24/7 ,don’t provide unlimited revision,at the end if you did not enjoy what you have achieved …well…


fiverr had changed my life in both ways ,i earned more than i could think ,i lost ? yes i did but that was my personal mistake ,its like a tool if you should just manage it it can bring change if not it. will hurt you .For me its is also an addiction now ,it is essential part of me.i have put too much effort and time that i cannot let it go,i hope this help you in some ways .

apologies for mistakes I am not a good writer ^^

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Guest anjylina

Hi Ikram,

I really enjoyed your story it was long enough ,though.LOL
Congrats on your good job and thanks for your tips.
Wish you much more on fiverr.


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thanks for sharing : )
it’s true, fiverr does become somewhat of an addiction. it’s good though you are thinking of going to school, because if anything, it’s important in the case of fiverr, to not solely rely on it for your only income-- because nothing is guarunteed.

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thanks for sharing : )

it’s true, fiverr does become somewhat of an addiction. it’s good though you are thinking of going to school, because if anything, it’s important in the case of fiverr, to not solely rely on it for your only income-- because nothing is guarunteed.

yes that was the one of my main point . education is important .people from region are starting from young age and they cannot manage .so they end up bad. also addiction of money don’t let them take there face off from screen 🙂

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