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First day here at fiver! Help me to improve?


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Hey jkniazi!

I actually just got finished this post to help out another new seller, so I hope this helps!

It can be a little daunting during the first couple of months if gig purchases are slow. One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned as a Seller is that depending upon what category your gig is in, the number of people already established with similar gigs to yours, and the general sporadic, unpredictable nature of purchased gigs on Fiverr, the most valuable quality is patience. It sounds cliche, but if you’re constantly anticipating when someone’s going to buy your gig next, you’ll be WAY too stressed out.

To help your gigs become more presentable, I have found that taking advantage of any and all setting formats that Fiverr has to offer on your gig is crucial. A well thought-out and neat looking purchasing format relays to the buyer that you are serious about your profile, and have put a lot of thought and hard work into making it a success.

Make your gigs unique to you. Buyers appreciate seeing individuality in your profile. I cannot tell you the number of times buyers have told me one of the reasons they purchased my gig is because I included a joke about being a “broke college student” in my bio. With that in mind, use your individuality to your advantage by marketing yourself in a unique way. Creating your gigs’ pictures in a unique style will help viewers recognize you, and be able to see your presence online.

The first couple of purchases you get are crucial! To try to encourage buyers, before getting established, it helps to lower your prices, and speed up your delivery time. Many times, buyers would prefer to have their purchase delivered faster and for a lower price so much that they would forgo the Featured Sellers, and go with a newcomer.

Your first couple of purchases are the most important for your profile and your gigs. Since Fiverr is big on numerical analysis, it is important to get the highest ratings you can starting out. With newcomers joining Fiverr and adding gigs everyday, it’s highly unlikely that potential customers are going to want to buy from a poorly reviewed/rated newcomer. Give your first customers the most quality customer service, flexibility, fastest response time, and most satisfactory experience you can, and their highly appreciative ratings and reviews will be the fuel your business needs to get off the ground.

I hope this helped, and if you have any other questions, feel free to message me!

J.P. Fryar

[P.S. When I said newcomer, I meant in regards to presence on Fiverr, not duration of time that they have been here.]


Hey jkniazi!

I actually just got finished this post to help out another new seller, so I hope this helps!

It can be a little daunting during the first couple of months if gig purchases are slow. One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned as a Seller is that depending upon what category your gig is in, the number of people already established with similar gigs to yours, and the general sporadic, unpredictable nature of purchased gigs on Fiverr, the most valuable quality is patience. It sounds cliche, but if you’re constantly anticipating when someone’s going to buy your gig next, you’ll be WAY too stressed out.

To help your gigs become more presentable, I have found that taking advantage of any and all setting formats that Fiverr has to offer on your gig is crucial. A well thought-out and neat looking purchasing format relays to the buyer that you are serious about your profile, and have put a lot of thought and hard work into making it a success.

Make your gigs unique to you. Buyers appreciate seeing individuality in your profile. I cannot tell you the number of times buyers have told me one of the reasons they purchased my gig is because I included a joke about being a “broke college student” in my bio. With that in mind, use your individuality to your advantage by marketing yourself in a unique way. Creating your gigs’ pictures in a unique style will help viewers recognize you, and be able to see your presence online.

The first couple of purchases you get are crucial! To try to encourage buyers, before getting established, it helps to lower your prices, and speed up your delivery time. Many times, buyers would prefer to have their purchase delivered faster and for a lower price so much that they would forgo the Featured Sellers, and go with a newcomer.

Your first couple of purchases are the most important for your profile and your gigs. Since Fiverr is big on numerical analysis, it is important to get the highest ratings you can starting out. With newcomers joining Fiverr and adding gigs everyday, it’s highly unlikely that potential customers are going to want to buy from a poorly reviewed/rated newcomer. Give your first customers the most quality customer service, flexibility, fastest response time, and most satisfactory experience you can, and their highly appreciative ratings and reviews will be the fuel your business needs to get off the ground.

I hope this helped, and if you have any other questions, feel free to message me!


J.P. Fryar

[P.S. When I said newcomer, I meant in regards to presence on Fiverr, not duration of time that they have been here.]

Thanks for your kind words.


Anytime! If you need any help in the future, don’t be afraid to reach out!

Lot of thanks again for appreciating me, kindly if you have time go through my gigs and give me some suggestions specifically according to gigs if needed.



Dear J.K.:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: Smile!
Your log line: Everything is possible in this world with [a] positive attitude
Your profile text – note the edits:

I have a Master’s degree in Finance and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Currently I work as a Chief Financial Officer. I’d love to offer my expertise here on Fiverr and help people with any Financial-related work / problems. Feel free to contact me! -JK Niazi

All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

Make a video of yourself talking to the camera, because this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

I took a look at your Excel gig. The image looks like it was made in MS Paint. I suggest you go for something more polished, with Excel screenshots. You can offer 2 pdfs for this gig; I suggest you show what you can do in Excel here.

The gig description is all bold, bullet points. I suggest you lighten up on both of these and mix things up. Your gig is also nonspecific about what you’re delivering for $5. I don’t know if this category has packages, but if it does, you should look into that. Fiverr suggests that a $5 gig should take no more than 5 to 15 minutes to complete. As vague as your description is, you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak and bad reviews from people who expect the moon for $5. I strongly suggest you study similar gigs and rein in the parameters of what you’re offering. This gig could probably be spun off into multiple gigs specializing in specific areas.

Good luck,

[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks
Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]
Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

I suggest you check out Fiverrcast episode 08: Working Through Language Barriers.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn’t take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don’t say, I live in a third world…

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I’m nowhere near “perfect” and I continue to learn new things daily. (I’m really not trying to toot my own horn… I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do’s and don’ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I’d like to share my acquired wisdom. My hope …

Hey guys! Let’s cut straight to the chase. You’re a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI’ve seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as “create modern logo design”, “create a unique logo”, “design your logo”) in the hopes of getting more traffic…

Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to work…

Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kind…

Have you been struggling to get orders? Then you’ve probably looked at the Buyer Request section a few times now, and maybe you’ve sent a few offers. As a buyer whose posted requests before, here are some tips for how to actually appeal to the seller: Edit before you send. Make sure that your grammar and spelling is correct and that your sentences flow and make sense. The buyer won’t sit there for ten minutes trying to figure out what you had tried to say and they are very unlikely to message…

Ok, you want to make some money but you do not speak English well. This is a real problem when you are going to sell on a marketplace where most buyers do and most communication is done through English. It can be done though, here are some tips for you to follow which will help you while you are working on your English. Be realistic about your gigs - Do not try to offer gigs that require excellent English. If you want to offer a writing gig, ask a native English speaker to be honest with you…

It is common knowledge that technical professionals seldom lack the ability to communicate proficiently unlike other professionals such as businessmen, lawyers etc. On the other hand our brain works super efficiently (a biased opinion of course!), but our tongue offers basic functionality. So this thread is about SALESMANSHIP from the point of a non-sales person such as myself. There are a lot of different categories here on Fiverr, but majority of questions regarding sales on this forum are …

Hello there Fiverr Family, Here is a tip that I would like to share with those that are new to Fiverr and possibly may help those that have been around for a while. To optimize your gigs for SEO: When saving the .jpg or .png image for your gig, put the keywords (all in lowercase) that you would like to rank for, in the name of your file separated by dashes. Example: I have a dj drop gig When saving my gig picture I save my file as dj-drops-on-fiverr. jpg This helps with the SEO of your gig…

Hi guys! This is Shane from Eno8Design. It has been exactly 30 days since we joined fiver. And here are our stats so far. Earned $352 Sales 54 Customers 18 Analystics.png.a96618b92696e314f75d3ffce8c65815.pngI gotta say that Fiverr is the best of the best when it comes to freelancing. Pretty simple process. We love it! So on the 1st month celebration we thought of sharing our experience and few tips with fellow forum members. Here’s what we did! (You should if you are not getting enough sales) ** Find a niche. (Ex: We though…

Stop trying to figure out Fiverr’s algorithm and spend that time making more money with upselling, here’s some things I’ve done to increase revenue… 1) Make your extras simple and easy to understand. Buyers seldom purchase things they aren’t clear on. 2) Offer only the extras you can do that will acheive 100% Buyer satisfaction. Return business and referrals should be your goal. 3) Explain to your Buyers the BENEFIT of adding a particular extra. I add this phrase when selling a logo ove…

As the issue of Paypal chargebacks has been discussed a lot recently including the horrible situation of a large chargeback for one Forum regular, I decided to spend a bit of time looking into them to see what I can find out, what other freelance platforms do and to try and put together some advice on how to avoid them as much as possible. Brace yourself, it’s a long one! In this post I will be summarizing and clarifying some of the content of other websites and their terms and conditions, for…

Why does Fiverr Charge a 20% commission on tips? In very plain language, if tips weren’t considered the same as all other payments, it would lead to a loophole where Fiverr doesn’t get paid because the funds are given to the seller for a job as a tip. If you want to see an example of potential abuse: Click for Abuse ScenarioA regular buyer could ask their chosen seller about a discount on the $40 package the buyer purchases every month. The seller could take a small risk buying offering to d…


Dear J.K.:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: Smile!

Your log line: Everything is possible in this world with [a] positive attitude

Your profile text – note the edits:

I have a Master’s degree in Finance and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Currently I work as a Chief Financial Officer. I’d love to offer my expertise here on Fiverr and help people with any Financial-related work / problems. Feel free to contact me! -JK Niazi

All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

Make a video of yourself talking to the camera, because this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

I took a look at your Excel gig. The image looks like it was made in MS Paint. I suggest you go for something more polished, with Excel screenshots. You can offer 2 pdfs for this gig; I suggest you show what you can do in Excel here.

The gig description is all bold, bullet points. I suggest you lighten up on both of these and mix things up. Your gig is also nonspecific about what you’re delivering for $5. I don’t know if this category has packages, but if it does, you should look into that. Fiverr suggests that a $5 gig should take no more than 5 to 15 minutes to complete. As vague as your description is, you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak and bad reviews from people who expect the moon for $5. I strongly suggest you study similar gigs and rein in the parameters of what you’re offering. This gig could probably be spun off into multiple gigs specializing in specific areas.

Good luck,


[details=Click Here for TOP SECRET Tips and Tricks

Never Contact a Seller on Fiverr to Ask for FREE STUFF!]

Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

I suggest you check out Fiverrcast episode 08: Working Through Language Barriers.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn’t take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don’t say, I live in a third world…
I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I’m nowhere near “perfect” and I continue to learn new things daily. (I’m really not trying to toot my own horn… I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do’s and don’ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I’d like to share my acquired wisdom. My hope …
Hey guys! Let’s cut straight to the chase. You’re a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI’ve seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as “create modern logo design”, “create a unique logo”, “design your logo”) in the hopes of getting more traffic…
Hi @charles20bc, Here’s a list I’ve put together that helps you stand out, look Professional, and how to setup a proper, well designed gig. Make sure you complete your profile setup 100%. Also, link all of your accounts (Facebook, Stack Overflow, Email, etc) so that potential buyers know you’re not a fly by night seller. Use proper English in your Fiverr profile. Make sure to notate where you’re from, and make sure your sentence structure is proper. Many potential buyers will not want to work…
Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kind…
Have you been struggling to get orders? Then you’ve probably looked at the Buyer Request section a few times now, and maybe you’ve sent a few offers. As a buyer whose posted requests before, here are some tips for how to actually appeal to the seller: Edit before you send. Make sure that your grammar and spelling is correct and that your sentences flow and make sense. The buyer won’t sit there for ten minutes trying to figure out what you had tried to say and they are very unlikely to message…
Ok, you want to make some money but you do not speak English well. This is a real problem when you are going to sell on a marketplace where most buyers do and most communication is done through English. It can be done though, here are some tips for you to follow which will help you while you are working on your English. Be realistic about your gigs - Do not try to offer gigs that require excellent English. If you want to offer a writing gig, ask a native English speaker to be honest with you…
It is common knowledge that technical professionals seldom lack the ability to communicate proficiently unlike other professionals such as businessmen, lawyers etc. On the other hand our brain works super efficiently (a biased opinion of course!), but our tongue offers basic functionality. So this thread is about SALESMANSHIP from the point of a non-sales person such as myself. There are a lot of different categories here on Fiverr, but majority of questions regarding sales on this forum are …
Hello there Fiverr Family, Here is a tip that I would like to share with those that are new to Fiverr and possibly may help those that have been around for a while. To optimize your gigs for SEO: When saving the .jpg or .png image for your gig, put the keywords (all in lowercase) that you would like to rank for, in the name of your file separated by dashes. Example: I have a dj drop gig When saving my gig picture I save my file as dj-drops-on-fiverr. jpg This helps with the SEO of your gig…
Hi guys! This is Shane from Eno8Design. It has been exactly 30 days since we joined fiver. And here are our stats so far. Earned $352 Sales 54 Customers 18 [image]I gotta say that Fiverr is the best of the best when it comes to freelancing. Pretty simple process. We love it! So on the 1st month celebration we thought of sharing our experience and few tips with fellow forum members. Here’s what we did! (You should if you are not getting enough sales) ** Find a niche. (Ex: We though…
Stop trying to figure out Fiverr’s algorithm and spend that time making more money with upselling, here’s some things I’ve done to increase revenue… 1) Make your extras simple and easy to understand. Buyers seldom purchase things they aren’t clear on. 2) Offer only the extras you can do that will acheive 100% Buyer satisfaction. Return business and referrals should be your goal. 3) Explain to your Buyers the BENEFIT of adding a particular extra. I add this phrase when selling a logo ove…
As the issue of Paypal chargebacks has been discussed a lot recently including the horrible situation of a large chargeback for one Forum regular, I decided to spend a bit of time looking into them to see what I can find out, what other freelance platforms do and to try and put together some advice on how to avoid them as much as possible. Brace yourself, it’s a long one! In this post I will be summarizing and clarifying some of the content of other websites and their terms and conditions, for…
Why does Fiverr Charge a 20% commission on tips? In very plain language, if tips weren’t considered the same as all other payments, it would lead to a loophole where Fiverr doesn’t get paid because the funds are given to the seller for a job as a tip. If you want to see an example of potential abuse: Click for Abuse ScenarioA regular buyer could ask their chosen seller about a discount on the $40 package the buyer purchases every month. The seller could take a small risk buying offering to d…


Lot of thanks for all suggestions dear blaisefaint.

As soon as possible i work on all points which you are suggested me. Hopefully i improve myself on fiver by your kind suggestions.


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