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Creatures of the Dark


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Guest matteobrv

I’ve been a bad man

You should have at least waited until Christmas to make that confession. This admission of guilt is not going to go down very well with Santa. On another note, coal prices are projected to rise in the future so you will have some use for all that coal you are going to get from Santa.

Here’s my entry to the thread, these are creatures of the dark, which did not die. They prefer to live under rocks and in crevices away from sunlight, it is a fresh water fish. I thought, why should the fresh water creatures of the dark be discriminated against, lest they file a class action lawsuit.

<img src="//discourse-cloud-file-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fiverr/original/2X/c/c833eda1d727b8bc1ce179d6c7421f0f9caee1f5.jpg" width=“690” height="431>



On another note, coal prices are projected to rise in the future so you will have some use for all that coal you are going to get from Santa.

Maybe that was my plan from the very beginning…


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On another note, coal prices are projected to rise in the future so you will have some use for all that coal you are going to get from Santa.

Maybe that was my plan from the very beginning…


On another note, coal prices are projected to rise in the future so you will have some use for all that coal you are going to get from Santa.

Maybe that was my plan from the very beginning…

Then again…having all that coal will still leave you quite sooty😱


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