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Getting a "Late" status on an order that was FULL Delivered

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I find it frustrating to be given a “Late” Status on an order I fully delivered on time, only the Buyer decides, spontaneously, to ask for Extras at that time, rather than at the point of placing the order. This has happened to me on a few occasions, and initially, I would request to cancel the order. One Buyer just kept and uses the final product as originally purchased (buy got a full refund), and recently, rather than getting the negative status of Canceling the gig, I’m left offering for free the extra requests, just to avoid an even worse Delivery on time status. Fiverr and Buyer are the winners here. I get that Fiverr wants to protect and reassure the Buyers, but doing so at the Seller’s expense is pretty harsh. I love what I do, but the point of joining Fiverr was to raise funds to get my Autistic child the Speech Therapy he so desperately needs, so I’m already working hard on providing quality, and now I’m being forced to give away services for free or risk being deducted 10% in impressions.

Perhaps Fiverr can provide the Buyers with another option than JUST “Modify Order”. Like “Add to Original order”, where it allows the Seller to accept (or not) and provide an offer, either request Buyer to pay for the Additional Extra Gig or offer for free, just like the “Create an offer” option.

Another example was that the Buyer COMPLETELY changed the script just after I delivered the original product.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a common issue and your frustration is shared by others. Luckily in most cases a mark of late due to extras isn’t very damaging, but that doesn’t help you with the stress. Your post has been moved to Site Suggestions where staff occasionally checks in.

Sorry I didn’t see your reply sooner than today, but apparently the “notifications” doesn’t work.

Thank you for your response, Hopefully, this can be corrected.

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