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[WANTED] Flyer Distribution @ Colleges (U.S. Residents ONLY)


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I’m looking for a college student or anyone willing to print & distribute flyers at colleges. I prefer someone who’s willing to put a flyer on every desk in a lecture hall, or at least in computer labs or put them on college students’ cars. You must provide visual proof via photos or a quick video/pan.

If you can do this, please contact me with a quote of how many gigs I’ll have to purchase, what college you’ll distribute them at, and which of the three you can do: lecture hall, computer lab, or cars.

Thanks in advance!


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  • 4 years later...
Guest offlinehelpers

I can do this!

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t mean to post on an old thread.

Kind of you to offer, but the post is 4 years old.

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