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Help with my rate


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Greetings to the whole community of Fiverr, wanted to know if you could help me with a question. A few months ago I had some personal problems made it impossible me deliver some orders, giving me negative in my rate. I have a rate of 82% and therefore I can not offer and not have much relevance when buyers seeking services. What advice can you give me to increase my sales and rise again, and return to a positive rating.

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Guest rizidesigns23

I think you have to convince someone from social network sites. Just promote your self on social network sites and maybe someone come from there and order you on fiverr. Another tip is Message your previous buyers offer them few attracting and cheap services for 5$ and maybe someone of them use you again.
Best of luck

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I would rewrite your introduction and redo all of your gigs.
Hire a native speaker who can write an appealing gig description for you.
Use catchy gig images and add a video to your animation gig.
Your gig descriptions are very confusing especially the one with all the different pricing structures.
Consider adding gig packages and more gig extras.

Make your gigs stand out from the crowd and you will get noticed.

After you make those changes go through buyer requests daily . Best of luck.

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