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How Fiverr Works


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Hi there fellow Fiverr Sellers. 🙂

Hope you doing good. I am a Fiverr seller for around 2-3 years now. Learned a lot of things from this experience but one thing I have never been able to figure out is the Fiverr algorithm. Creative gigs, Good Titles, Detailed Descriptions, Keywords, Gig video, Seller Profile? Done all of this, it works and is important on Fiverr.

I had a gig running really well. I was providing Google AdWords Creation/Optimisation/Consultancy Service on Fiverr Recently. Provided great service.Got a good amount of orders . Got positive feedback from my buyers. but suddenly my impressions go down drastically. The reason for that might be anything but it can be because I was away due to internet disruption in our area for around 5 days.

I see worse services than me get more orders and feedback. Does anybody have a clue how Fiverr decides what to show and what to not show. Share your tips/tricks and learn from what others posted.

Thank you 🙂

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Everybody’s impressions are going down, according to my limited research group. It could be an influx of new sellers, it could be Fiverr moving away from services such as yours (unlikely) or… IDK. I don’t think there is an answer to your question, as the algorithm is robotic in nature and may be responding to a flaw in its design.

I think Five CEO/CTO etc should come in for an AMA. A moderated AMA so “plz b gib job me” people don’t appear. (those of you who think this is elitist, go to English school and stop being a moron)

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Mine have been down and going down more lately but I see that happen sometimes and then they’ll just turn around. Perhaps it is something to do with rotation of gigs in search. No one that is willing to share actually knows how the algorithms really work on Fiverr. There are some good guesses involving things like keywords and tags, late deliveries and cancellations, gig types (and Adsense is one that has been affected from what I’ve seen on the forums) and plenty of other possibilities.

Guessing and tweaking gigs to see if it changes anything is worth a try if you don’t see any positive change over a fairly long period of time. Mine usually go back up on their own, although I have experimented before while logged into Fiverr in one browser and logged out but searching for my gigs in a different browser. Sometimes that has appeared to work although I can’t be sure it wasn’t coincidence.

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My browser, chrome, hangs onto an older picture of the pages where my gigs are and doesn’t show them when they renew in new positions. I discovered I can see the real placement of my gigs by searching for them in incognito mode. Maybe that is what is happening.

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