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I want to explain one fact. I refused to do the job for a certain person from our website … Because I do not want to promote on the Internet, articles that do not have decorous character. I refuse to promote articles in which described the facts of s****l violence. Can I have my own opinion.? I think my rating was reduced by the administrator is not justified.

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What rating was reduced by an Administrator? You can cancel an order if you don’t want to do it. The buyer can accept or they can refuse to cancel, pay you, and leave a review. I see you have 1 bad automatic review for a cancellation over lateness, but I don’t see any rating that was reduced by an Administrator.

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Honey, the internet is littered with a corpus of work that writers have churned out wishing they could slit their own wrists instead of writing trash for the sake of a few bucks. Today, I have the prospects of two deadlines for just that. If you really have such high standards about what you will and won’t do, learn to use the resolution center for cancellations–but know that each cancellation potentially comes with a small stab in the back to your career on here. Still, better than a gigantic order cancelled! review with no right of reply sitting on your profile.

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