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Fiverr keeps rejecting my description


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I’m unable to complete my profile 'cause Fiverr keeps highlighting my description as if there’s something wrong.

It says over 120 words, less than 1,200 words; I’m at 350 words. It just describes what I’m looking to do – technical writing, etc.

Does anybody know why my description is being rejected? I’ve attached a screen capture that Fiverr keeps saying is erred somehow.


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Change it to more than ninety per cent (or percent, whatever). Fiverr is incredibly finicky over unusual characters along with overuse of words. But it is so poorly designed that if you use the term (e.g.) SEO too much it will tell you, while £"%^^&()(_ kind of letters do not compute.

I’m betting that it’s the %+ that’s screwing you here. So go for uncle per cent! or percent.

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