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My advice for new sellers who struggle to get sales


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Hi beautiful people,

I decided to point out some of the things I learned since I first joined Fiverr, because I get messages daily from people asking how to make it here.

  1. Do not expect to get your first sale the second day after creating your new gig.

If it does happen, you are really lucky. I remember when I first discovered Fiverr, I checked the website every time I opened the browser to see if there are any signs of interest in my gig. After a week, I gave up and completely forgot about Fiverr since I was also working on another freelance platform. However, one day after weeks I got an email which claimed I have an order. And that´s how it all started.
Please, do not give up, you have to be patient and believe in yourself.

  1. Offer bonus work for free.

This has been one of the things I loved to do since my very first sales. No matter what kind of gig you have, there is always something small you can do for your buyer to make him really happy with your craft. It will bring you repeat buyers who might even recommend you to others and you might get tips! I know top rated sellers always advice us to not work for free, but in the beginning, 10 extra minutes of your time will get excellent rating and the opportunity to build your reputation.

  1. Be honest with buyers.

I highly recommend this. If they ask you to do something you are not able to, just explain that you are not confident you can achieve the results they crave for. Honesty is always appreciated, as far as I´ve seen. Instead, offer your other services in a matter in which when they need them they will remember you. Avoid getting your first sales with negative rating, it’s better to wait a couple of days more than having to work and refund after.

  1. Always reply to messages.

This is so important, I don’t know how to stress it enough. If a buyer sends you a message, he will wait for an answer, no matter if it is a yes or no. Please do not make them waste their time. Reply and be polite although there might be a conflict between the price he wants and the one you ask. Even if he might ask for plenty of work for $5, you have to tell him no. Why does this matter? Because they see your response rate and no one is willing to approach someone who has a 50% response rate.

  1. Ask again and again until you completely understand the requirements.

Often buyers forget to mention details about what they really want and then, require modifications. One free revision might not be enough so they will be mad and leave a negative review although it is clearly not your fault. My advice is to always make sure you know every little thing he has in his mind about the desired final delivery. In this way, you can avoid further conflicts and further work. It also makes your job easier.

  1. Post a nice message every time you receive a new order.

I find this quite important, because buyers have some kind of confirmation that you are working on their order. Thank them for choosing your service and let them know how soon they will receive the delivery. Remember: communication is the key.

  1. Create gigs that are very specific.

Always check to see what gigs are currently on top in your category and find something that is not general to offer. For example: if you are a writer, don’t say ‘‘I will write articles’’. Choose a domain you are interested in and exploit it with your gig. (ex: ‘‘I will write articles about pets’’)

All in all, these are my tips for all new sellers out there. Of course there are many more, but I wanted to mention the ones that have been a push up for me and not repeat the same that everyone keeps posting here, on the forum.

*P.S.: Got level 2 yesterday with 52 sales <3

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