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Assistance with First Sales?

Guest ricoporter714

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Guest ricoporter714

Good evening, I’m looking for constructive feedback on my Fiverr Gig as I have just started to post. I am aware that it’s important to put up a few gigs to get back sales, but what can I do to improve my first Gig (see: ) that I am able to transfer to new gigs that I create? Just so I’m not creating 6 or 7 gigs that have to all be changed. Thanks!


Hi dear, honestly I will be keeping my fingers crossed and watching the responses to this your question because I seem to be in the same puzzle as you. For me, am into ebook cover design but I got just one order so far and honestly am dying for more because am feeling like lack of orders is kinda killing my creativity. I want to do jobs for people and show them the stuff am made but the orders are just not coming…ouccchhh!!!


This is not even remotely related to the constructive feedback that the OP asked for. Please do not hijack other people’s forum threads to post about your gigs. Most people would consider your post above to be spam, specially as you’ve posted the same thing in other forums.


Generally as silly as it sounds, experiment with keywords. I see you’re on page one for tshirt graphic, are you getting a lot of views? Are people clicking into your gig? Have you had any conversions so far? If you’re getting very low views, change your keywords around. If you’re getting lots of views and clicks but very low conversions, change your service around and describe it better.

Also note, one of the hardest initial things to do on Fiverr is get your first orders. I have been around for years and until I get my first initial order on a new gig, hardly anyone buys it. I had a new content writing service I started up fairly recently, until it got it’s first few orders I had months without sales, now I seem to get sales on it every day. Also note that orders in queue seems to attract individuals as well.

I would offer as much as you can with a fast delivery(1-day) to attract users, once you sell a bit and establish feedback you can raise it back to 4 days. Even if you may get over-worked, attracting initial buyers is very important.

Once you start getting orders pay close attention to the type of packages users buy, what they request, and adjust your services accordingly.

I do also recommend taking into account what extras someone may or may not buy. If you’re not selling a particular extra, change it. If you’re selling it really well, increase the price. Etc. It may even be a good idea to keep a text file noting what buyers say to help improve future sales and to what helps to increase your order to a potential up-sale. In your actual order requirements make sure to mention things such as, “please provide this information unless you have ordered extras.” aka, to get them to look at extras for potential increase in up-sell sales.

Hope this helps, 🙂


At the very least if you are going to beg for help on someone else’s thread, offer them some thoughtful ideas! Complaining about your own problems isn’t helping the OP. If you look at his gigs there must be something you could offer. Since you are a designer, perhaps you can offer him suggestions on his images, his color choices, or something.</i.> Good things often come to those who help others.


@ricoporter714 The gig I looked at was nice. If I could suggest one idea it would be to reduce the delivery time on your base package from 4 days to 3 days at least. As @freelancemm said, buyers like fast delivery. You can always make it longer after you have some sales. The filter on the main page allows people to search for gigs that can be delivered in 3 days or less. If a buyer selects 3, they will miss your gig right now.

I can understand not wanting to use up all 7 gigs fast, but I would also suggest coming up with at least 1 or 2 more. Even if no one buys them, it might bring more people to your profile. Good luck!

Guest ricoporter714

Hi guys, thank you for the feedback and I do appreciate it! I’ll switch my keywords and timeframes, and look at what helps. I’m not sure if my stats are good (imp=116,click=15,view=23) but I’ll definitely take the advice on board. As they say, best to keep fine tuning it.
I’ll let you know if it helps, and again, many thanks!



Am sorry guys for my earlier post which has now been pulled down, it was never meant to be a spam…am so sorry ricoporter714, I never meant to hijack your thread…I hope you got the helpful tips from our superior sellers in the house…I wish you the very best in your fiverr career

Guest ricoporter714

It’s cool, no skin off my back as they say! 🙂
All the best to you too, and I’d try to help you with your gig if I knew what to do! Best of luck excelstudio!


With anything art-related, the buyer is going to want to know what it looks like. You seem professional and I enjoyed the video, but it told me nothing of how the t-shirt I buy will look. (I also felt kind of disappointed you were only offering t-shirt designs after seeing everything else you could do.) I would suggest putting up samples of t-shirts you have designed so that people know if you’re who they’re looking for.


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