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Packages. Will you add them?


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I don’t want to add them. I created a new gig for just testing that how it goes with the packages and i got a total of 14 views after more than a week. Also my gig extra’s are not available( i can’t see them even tho i added them) on my packaged gig.
There is an other problem Gig Delivery Time, My gig Extra’s(price, time) So how should i do that? Should i send the problem to CS?

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No. A package assumes you know what your buyers want, it’s like a straight jacker, what if your buyer buys 5 things in package A when he only wants 4 or 3? See? You’re going to end up wasting time working on something your client doesn’t want.

That’s why I prefer gig extras, I trust my clients, I trust their judgement. I would only do packages if I kept them really simple.


Package A: Brand names
Package B: Brand names, domains
Package C: Brand names, domains, slogans, trademarks, headlines

And yet, I feel I would be hurting my client. What about the guy who wants brand names and headlines, but not domains, slogans, and trademarks? Should I have 5 different packages then? It’s confusing, and a confused buyer either annoys you or buys from someone else. So for the time being, I will remain “package-phobic.”

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Extras are still available but they appear only after the client selects a pack.
To answer your example:
The buyer would chose the “brand names pack” and then add the extras for headlines.

In the way the system is setup right now, it retains all your present extras so after a client adds a pack they will see all the extras.

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Seems to me packages just complicates things. I want buyers to choose gig extras and then order. I don’t want them to choose a package and then think about ordering gig extras. Although I admit sometimes clients order things they haven’t paid for. “Make sure every brand name has a domain available,” and they forget to pick that gig extra.

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I haven’t really noticed a difference in my ranking from one gig without packages vs. another one. In fact, the gig I get most traffic to is a non-packaged gig. I think maybe that might be though that the gigs i’m comparing are a gig that can actually use packages vs. a gig in another category that doesn’t have that option. Good to know though as I figure if they’re saying that I guess I should set up packages for other gigs as soon as well, they actually catch up to adding them to most categories.

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I just added packages to my voice-over gig. I made sure to clarify in my description how much I’d charge for additional words per package. One thing I noticed though is that gig extras that would apply to my standard package and not the rest are not showing up, so I also mentioned in my description that those extras are available upon request. So far I haven’t noticed a significant dropoff in sales (despite raised prices on my basic gig), and the sales I am getting are for higher amounts. Seems like it works to me.

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