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I want to help you ease your freelancing fears


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A while back, I was talking with fellow designers from my college while working on a freelance project.

Knowing about my freelance business, they began to ask questions about freelancing – what to expect, how to get clients, and how they could make money with their design skills? They all expressed interest in freelancing, but were scared to make the jump.

Only three years ago, I was asking the same questions.

I wanted to freelance, but I had no prior experience in the design business, which made me scared of freelancing. What if I would be making little to no money? What if I am hired by a bad client? What if I’m ripped off? Those “what ifs” popped in my mind every time I thought about freelancing.

Remembering all those feelings of fear, I knew exactly how to answer my designer friends. I drew all of the knowledge I learned from more successful designers, and answered their questions. Today, I want to help you ease your freelancing fears with advice from successful, established designers.
What is your Questions???

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