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More or less gigs?


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Have you guys found having more gigs to be beneficial or take away from your success? I’ve heard two schools of thought on the issue.

Some say the more gigs in the same related fields are good, but by doing a number of completely different gigs it makes buyers feel you don’t do any 1 thing good.

Your just ‘ok’ at a lot of different things. What do you guys feel? Debating about adding more gigs, or taking away some. My orders have been relatively slow last few weeks. Have 13 gigs I believe.

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I have gone through the profiles of many sellers and found that sellers who have only ONE or similar gigs (of same category) appears high in search results and got more orders (as shown in queue)

So here I am in the favor of Only ONE gig or related gigs to sell more

Let’s wait what other says.

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