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Don't Get Caught Up In The Numbers!


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Sometimes a seller can get caught up in the analytics of their gigs…worrying that gig impressions are down etc. According to my analytics, some of my numbers are down this week, but I’ve had more sales this week than ever before! I joined Fiverr last Dec. and within a month I received Level 1 status. I’m soooo close to Level 2 status!

Moral of the story…just keep on truckin! Don’t freak out over low analytics. It’s the quality of product and service you offer that really matters. If you provide a great product…buyers will find you!

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Good point. Also, you can start to throttle your workload as you attain the level of work that you want. Instead of going on vacation to catch up, you can follow your timeframe, and let the orders in queue naturally let people back off a little. Additionally, you can toggle your days of delivery by one or two back and forth. It takes practice to maintain “altitude,” but once you have the hang of it, then you can cruise where you want to be.

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