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Can you have multiple accounts on fiverr?


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Officially, Fiverr frowns on sellers keeping multiple accounts. I’ve heard that they shut down multiple accounts when they find out about them.

Unofficially, plenty of sellers use multiple accounts, but if you ask me it’s just a silly trick to game the system that would be unnecessary if you’re following all the SEO tips and really optimizing your gigs as described in the Fiverr Academy and by other users on the forums.

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Wouldn’t there be an issue of payment? Or do people secretly have multiple paypal accounts that they connect to get paid their revenues?

But is it worth the risk of having your Fiverr account shut down?

Also, as a side note, while you may think web programming and voice overs are completely different, I actually do not think they are that far apart. A voice is a voice, if you’ve got “it” in terms of talent it doesn’t matter what else you do. Plus I would think it may be an advantage as if you had the voice I wanted, and you also do web/tech stuff, I would be pretty confident I’d get a pretty good file and that technically it would be better than maybe the average voice over artist just starting out.

I think your key is just to work on how you write up your profile to be all inclusive and then add a sentence of something specific about your training/experience to each gig respectively.

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