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Why Have the Orders Stopped Coming in?


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Reply to @alexa_guru: I really don’t understand why you see a problem with advertising what you already sell on Fiverr.

You’re correct that I do not use Fiverr as a main source of income. That’s why I keep my gigs quick and cheap. I don’t trust the platform enough to put effort into creating and selling high-dollar orders.

You’re incorrect about my experience. I have been successfully freelancing for almost 9 years. I deal with larger clients away from Fiverr, where I have better control over communication, process and payments. I have no problem giving fiver a 20% commission on $5-$15 gigs, but when there are so many risks involved with the entire platform, I’ll put that 20% in my own pocket and make sure things go as smoothly as possible when there is ‘real money’ and reputation at stake.

The point you’re missing is that when I started selling on Fiverr, I did do some outside promoting - and then I realized how flawed the system was. Other than posting on the forum when I’m in the mood, I HAVE DONE NOTHING to promote and encourage sales.

I sign in once a day to see if there are any orders or messages (again, the notification system cannot be trusted), and if there’s an order, I crank it out. Would I prefer to get a few more orders per month, sure. But I have no interest in investing effort into building an empire on the flawed Fiverr foundation.

If you are serious about earning a living wage on Fiverr, it makes no sense that you do not understand advertising or how to get targeted traffic considering your entire account is based on SEO and ranking.

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