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Is my gig too pricey?


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hey all, im new here so please bear with me.

i made a gig a little while ago and so far 2 people contacted me and both said it’s way too expensive…

is this true??

i mean depending on the piece i can spend hours working on it and in the end ill probably get 10-15$ or less, so…

also is it normal to have +50 views and not get any order?

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Guest norrsken_marc

Hi! Welcome to the community. First, you don’t have to link back to your gig, as we all can simply click on your username and arrive at your gig. It looks too much like self-promotion and, if you’ve read the Do’s and Dont’s of this forum, you’d know that the only place that’s acceptable to promote your gigs is in My Fiverr Gigs. Now, that being said, I checked your gig and your pricing looks very fair, though you could choose to over-deliver or give more until you level up. Then, once you’ve had a good stream of happy customers under your belt, you could decide to readjust your pricing to what it is now, all the while adding more EXTRAS as you reach level 1 and 2. Good luck.

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Guest norrsken_marc

Reply to @ghostlyboo: Thanks. As I mentioned, you could choose to try that if you wish to level up quicker. Of course you still have to deliver awesome content and have great people skills and such, but by offering more than others and responding quickly to messages, as well as adding more work to your Fiverr portfolio with each new order delivered, you’ll be on your way up faster. Just my opinion though.

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  1. I want to know what exactly I’m getting for $5.




    +5$ - 1 character lineart




    So I have to give you another $5 for lineart? What is that?




    +5$ - 1 character colored




    OK, I get that. But chances are you’re losing business over people that do it colored for $5.




    +5$ - a complicated background (a simple background can be added without a price)




    That seems fair?


    +10$ - if you want to use it in a commercial/profit making activity.




    That’s insane! I’m sorry, but how I use your work is none of your business. It’s a trade, I pay for your work, and then I own it.




    Don’t get offended, I’m just telling you the POV of a buyer.



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you know it’s 5$ right? depending on the complexity and how fast im working but, mostly i’ll spend 1+ hour on one gig, you can’t expect me to do that for 5$

and tbh, most of the 5$ chibis are somewhat low-quality, as they mostly won’t spend more than 15-30 min on it

"That’s insane! I’m sorry, but how I use your work is none of your business. It’s a trade, I pay for your work, and then I own it. "

you know…

in the illustrations category in fiverr, it has a specific extra for commercial licence, and also check similar gigs to mine, you’ll find a lot of them asking for extra fees if the gig is going to be used commercially , also on deviantart it’s the norm to ask for extra money if the commission is going to be used commercially,

why everyone is so surprised? a person even called me a “con artist” for it… what?

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$5 is crazy cheap for art, so if users are complaining they simply have no comprehension for the time involved and your better off without them as a buyer.

As for the following:

"That’s insane! I’m sorry, but how I use your work is none of your business. It’s a trade, I pay for your work, and then I own it."

I suggest glancing over the Fiverr TOS, it’s only “yours” if the seller doesn’t require extra fees for commercial rights.

If a buyer doesn’t like my prices or the way I work I simply send them on their merry way.

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Honestly from someone who has been on here for a while, I’ve seen people draw, and color for just $5-$10.

If you want more buyers, you may have to tone down the price a bit for now - it looks as if you are new. Then when you feel you have somewhat of a reputation, you can bring your prices up a bit.

I know it stinks that you spend alot of time drawing these and get very little, you have to understand that you are competing with people who charge less than you, and have very good reviews and ratings tied to them. It just takes time.

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yes, it is normal to have 50 views and no buyers. you are lucky that you got 2 people contacting you already. i would just deliver cheap for my first orders so that you can get the ratings which drags to more sales.

for my first buyers i gave them huge discounts so that i can get ratings for my sales to go up

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ghostlyboo said: i made a gig a little while ago and so far 2 people contacted me and both said it's way too expensive...

is this true??

It may or may not be true, but certain buyers will say that about anything to try and get a deal.


Your pricing seems fine to me, but your description needs to be more straightforward. Make sure that it's obvious what things are and what they cost - and also that gig multiples have to be bought for the "+$5". Not everyone knows how Fiverr works; make it easy for them.


I also advise that you re-do your portfolio images to demonstrate each 'piece'. Label and price, e.g., Black and white lineart - $5; Full color - $10/two gigs; at the very least add "/# of gigs" after each item in your list... it will save you many communication headaches. If you're inviting pre-order contact, be direct about that too: "Please contact me with any questions before ordering" and if you're serious about it, make it the first sentence.


Keep in mind that when people suggest you consider temporarily lowering your pricing, it's not because your work is being devalued, it's just like paying for an advertising campaign with a reduction in rate instead of paying up front. It's an investment toward future sales. If you present it as a limited time only/sale/discount/special, it gives incentive for buyers to act now and there's little chance of any repeat customers getting steamed when the price goes up later. Good luck!


Edit: Or nevermind, you're already changing things. :)

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ghostlyboo said: some sales better than no sales at all
It can take weeks or months to get a single sale here. There are no guarantees you'll ever make sales - even if your gigs are flawless and super-awesome. Start being patient now or you'll be crazy within a week. :)


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Reply to @ghostlyboo: You’re very welcome. Your art is good, as long as you make your gigs as ‘idiot proof’ as possible and promote off of Fiverr, I’m sure you’ll do well. 🙂

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Reply to @ghostlyboo: What you do for $5 should not take more than 15 minutes, if it does, then I understand you wanting to charge more.

As for commercial licenses, I have bought designs for t-shirts, I have NEVER paid for commercial licenses. So in my opinion, only uninformed people are gonna pay for that gig extra.

Besides, you don’t have the copyright of the images you create, you’re not registering your images with the government, so if I use your images to sell stuff, you have no way of proving they were your images in the first place, that is assuming you can even find them.

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Reply to @sexygirl18: Well, I have bought images and have used them to make money. Not once have I been told that the image I bought isn’t mine.

Commercial rights are debatable. This is Fiverr, this isn’t some stock photography website where your fee depends on the picture’s usage. The anonymity of Fiverr will prevent most sellers from suing buyers who use their images. Most sellers don’t even have copyrighted images, so no judge is gonna take them seriously.

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Reply to @ghostlyboo: re: working for $5…yes, to start many people do spend an hour for $5. It’s crazy but that is the whole point int he name of Fiverr. So you have to have a basic gig that you do for $5 to offer. It’s part of how the site works. Once you get a few $5 orders, then you can up it and be more selective, etc., etc. If you want a regular freelancing gig where you get to set the quote, advertise for your own clients and pitch them you certain can do that on your own, but there is a kind of notion on the whole way Fiverr works. But it’s jsut to get started, get some sales and get some reviews, then like many other people do, the have in their gig to contact them first to give a quote.

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