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Guest nikandlv

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Guest nikandlv

why i dont have any buyers 😦 im wasting time here ? better to go find a job in a restaurant ? :((

i have perfect Logo designs but no one buy one :

and also see my gigs that have no buyers :

and one other thing is my gig lost in million of gigs in the category so no one will see it

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Guest hammi2010

My first month of actually selling was wonderful. I made almost enough to make my credit card payments, but then I was promoted to level 1. Soon after my sales just disappeared. It’s very frustrating and I have tried everything, even learning a new skill and starting gigs around that. I took all my writing gigs down and just gave up. I got maybe one sale a week if that. I lost my love for the site and didn’t feel like I could give my all to the couple customers I did have stick around. I started writing a novel I am hoping to sell it online soon to make ends meet.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do, but always have a backup. Fiverr can change in an instant and you can lose the flow you used to thrive off of.

(sorry for any typos, just pulled an all nighter between babysitting a new pup and writing so I wouldn’t have any hope of catching them.)

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I know your first language is probably not English, but your grammar is not very professional - when I look for someone to buy from, I want to make sure they understand what I’m trying to communicate with them!

Just this line from your profile alone:

I’m A Good Writer And i Hope I can Help You Here

To Have better website and other stuff About any thing I can !

You should probably update to proper grammar to read:

I’m a good writer, and I hope I can help you to have a better website and more!

Really take the time to make all the details come together because that’s what will start to differentiate you from others. Good luck to you!

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Just hang in there. If your main gigs are not selling, come up with something little that will sell. Sell a piece of software, sell a file, send a postcard from your country, anything to get that first order and review. I went almost 11 months on Fiverr with no orders, then I got a couple of regular customers that now order my stuff all the time. Once you catch fire, and people catch wind of what you are doing, then it takes off from there. Look for that starting point. Good luck!

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