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Gigs in search

Guest slbozz

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I have big problem,

Anybody know this ?

Yesterday my one. Gig denied I don’t know why, Then my all other gigs aren’t showing on fiverr search, I’m graphic designer ,

Please tell me is there any way to resolve this problem ?

Thank you.


i know exactly the issue.

even tho you gona deny it just face the truth you have copied a gig , image or video , graphics or entire description.

1: is for copying

2: people are jealous and flagging you reporting you for no reason

fiverr has took your gigs out of their results just happened to me 3 days ago they wanted me to get back to them in 1 month i said no way il wait that long il just await my rev and go.

they replied and said my gigs are active now.

just don’t copy gigs make it different also add water marks to your gig also before you post a gig take a snapshot of all the gig post with date this can be used as reference


Reply to @ilovecustomers: I already asked , but they said this,

"You may contact us in 30 days to get your account re-evaluated."

Now what I do now ? (Again ask)

Please any help ,


Can get active my account without waiting , again asking fiverr CS ?


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