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What is the avarage reply time from customer support as a non-seller plus member?


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Hi all,

I'm not a seller plus member. Recently I had very bad experience on Fiverr because I got 3.7 review and my overall went down to 4.8 . The buyer also surprised because he said that he wanted to give 5 stars, So the buyer and me both requested customer support the day before yesterday but still haven't a single reply received. I know they priorities top sellers and seller plus members but am I deserved to be take that kind of experience because I'm waiting for two days. So can you tell me what is your experience in customer service area? 


Thanks in advanced

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Hi too

Why have you contacted Fiverr Support regarding your review issue? It should be done by buyer only.. not you as a seller else Fiverr's system will consider it a review manipulation. Hence, your account will be in trouble (means account suspension). Should not have done that..

Fiverr's Support is really slow these days and probably it's weekend that's might be the another reason of their being slow? In my case, they usually respond within 4-5 hours.. sometimes 6-7 hours even I am not a Seller Plus member or TRS.

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