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Urgent: Has anybody's gig ever been removed and then reactivated?


Guest perfectwork25

Hello, everyone. I am in a really big problem, my only gig which was getting me orders has been removed from Fiverr, I just recieved a Mail from them, they are saying that it doesn't complies with their tos even though it does and I am sure about it, I changed my gig's thumbnail few hours ago and this problem is might be because of that however I don't think so it should have been a problem as there was NOTHING wrong in the thumbnail, nothing is wrong in the gig nor thumbnail, people selling the same service are getting orders and here I am whose gig has been removed, first time was getting orders on Fiverr was soo close to level 1 badge and this happened, I badly regret changing the gig's thumbnail now. I don't know what kind of a technical issue happened that they removed my gig. Now I have contacted their support team, mailed them also, eagerly waiting for their response but in their mail it was written that this action can't be undone. Is it actually true or is there any possibility that my gig will be reactivated? There are many other gigs selling the same service, so I am hopeful that they might undone their action but I am really worried because it was written in their mail that they won't undo this action. Has anyone ever faced the situation before and if yes then has your gig been reactivated and did it affected your gig badly? I just hope that they undo this action, has anybody ever faced this situation and what was the outcome then??

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