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Is Fiverr Pro better?


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Hi everyone! I've been a Fiverr Seller for almost a decade and was recently promoted to TRS (after years being stuck at level 2) Super exciting! 

I just got an invitation to apply for Fiverr Pro in my category. 

I've only had conversations with 2 other pro members and both express to me that sales slow down pretty drastically when you become pro but the clients are better quality. 

I'm wondering if I should just stick with my happy TRS rating or apply for pro? 

Any insight into your experience in terms of business, messages and clients is greatly appreciated! 

Thank you! 


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7 minutes ago, arbelkimmick said:

I've only had conversations with 2 other pro members and both express to me that sales slow down pretty drastically when you become pro but the clients are better quality. 


Well that pretty much sums it up. 

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Pro and TRS are separate - you'll keep being TRS anyway.

Sales do not slow down in any way (if you keep the same pricing, naturally). If you increase the prices, then it's a function of that, of course - but you only need to sell 1/10 if your price is 10 times higher to make the same, anyway.

If you're selling something with no price elasticity, and low ticket, then being Pro is probably the wrong move if that would force you to raise prices, and the market isn't willing to pay those prices.

If you're already selling high ticket, or you're selling something that can easily go for $5 or $500 depending on the client and how you present the service, then being Pro is all upside, no downside.

Edited by visualstudios
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Thank you! I offer UGC and my base is $125. I would think that as long as I don't have to raise my rates from that, then I should be ok. 

I guess it doesn't hurt to apply since if I get rejected nothing changes right? 

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2 years ago Fiverr also asked me to join PRO. Back then, something like this rarely happened. I don't know if this is still the case as Fiverr recently gave a very large group of sellers the PRO badge. I don't think many deserved this.

I haven't converted all my gigs into PRO gigs because I still want to keep a group of clients with smaller budgets.

For me, PRO was a sales boost.

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2 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

2 years ago Fiverr also asked me to join PRO. Back then, something like this rarely happened. I don't know if this is still the case as Fiverr recently gave a very large group of sellers the PRO badge. I don't think many deserved this.

Same here. I think the barriers to entry are much lower now as they try to swell the numbers. 

7 hours ago, arbelkimmick said:

I've only had conversations with 2 other pro members and both express to me that sales slow down pretty drastically when you become pro but the clients are better quality. 

Buyers with bigger budgets tend to be better buyers, but if you're already pricing at pro levels then I doubt you'll see a difference in quality.

I think most say sales drop because they raise their prices to meet the requirements. However, there is also a view amongst buyers that when buying pro services you're paying a premium just because they are pro, and a lot of buyers don't want to overpay. Most still come to Fiverr for cost effective purchases. Conversely some buyers only look at pros. Test it and see!

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