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Flagged Account After Update

Guest ranawaqas5


Guest ranawaqas5

Hello fiverr team i am new here, You are doing a very good job.

My account has been flagged due to location inconsistency or connected with another account which was disabled by fiverr.

i created my younger brother account in the same laptop that i was using for my account but my brother profiles was not approved. may be this could be the reason for my account being flagged. i am full time freelance on fiverr and fiverr is everything for me. now a days i am very sad not getting any order even all gigs are disappeared form search. the mistake i did was not aware about that. kindly my request is look in to my account and removed this warning if possible, i will be very careful  for next time. thanks

is there any chance of removal of this flagged warning in future?

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2 hours ago, ranawaqas5 said:

actually i think this was the reason of my account being flagged account. what do you think seniors? and will they removed my flagged after removing my brother account from the system because i have only one active account just one. Thank you

Yes, this is the main reason of your account being flagged. No, they might not remove your brother account from the system because both accounts have been created on the same laptop. But it's up to Fiverr what will they do with your account.. So keep in contact with them.

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15 minutes ago, ranawaqas5 said:

i hope they will help you.

Err, I'm not the one with the flagged account. You asked what would happen to your account, and I just told you that none of us were psychic, and therefore none of us could see into the future.

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