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How to deal with these types of buyers?

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I have faced this issue for a long time. I work with them to complete projects and give them proper testing sessions. 
However, after the complete project, they changed all access and put the dispute on Fiverr support. They didn't respond when I tried to contact them.
some sellers facing this issue. Fiverr needs to make some serious decisions against these buyers.

If I am wrong then correct me. 

Note: This is not to blame for a specific community. This is only just my past experience. Even if my message hurt any buyer then I am really sorry. 

Edited by pramodchoudh188
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@pramodchoudh188 Unfortunately, we have to face a few buyers like that. After receiving the complete project as they expected, sometimes they change their mind or aren't satisfied. However, these cases are very rare. About 99% of buyers are genuinely satisfied and often even add extra tips to their orders when they're happy with the work. So, let's not dwell on those who don't value freelancers' time and focus on the ones who do appreciate our efforts. Besides this, I haven't come across any other solution yet.

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@nthamali85 I know, many buyers respect freelancers' work but if you focus on this type of buyer mostly belongs to African countries. My concern only, Fiverr should need to work on this type of buyer. because they know Fiverr's policy. they didn't give one confirmation on the running project. Fiverr only asks, the seller to have any confirmation. 
My point is simple, "Fiverr needs to verify without canceling the order. if cancel the order then listen to the seller once."

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Very bad experience! 

To avoid this buyer we can check their previous order compete number.

We can check their profile created date(spammer create new fiverr account to cheat other).

We can check the resting & review of other seller about the buyer.

We also judge the fake buyer by conversation. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 7:17 AM, pramodchoudh188 said:

"Fiverr needs to verify without canceling the order. if cancel the order then listen to the seller once."

In my experience, Fiverr or Freelancer cannot force the buyer to accept the order. So, if the buyer does not like what we delivered, they can ask for a refund, and in this case, I don't believe Fiverr can do anything.

On 10/14/2023 at 7:17 AM, pramodchoudh188 said:

if you focus on this type of buyer mostly belongs to African countries.

I cannot agree with this point, and based on my experience, there are some great buyers from those countries. Some buyers have even placed orders over $500 each time. So, it's not fair to categorize based on country alone. However, as an experienced freelancer, you can take some precautions to avoid cancellations.

Let me explain how I deal with this kind of situation:

1. If I feel any buyer might not be genuine, before I deliver the final files, I might just send a rough draft (not a delivery - make sure not to deliver unfinished work) and get confirmation on the direction of the project. Alternatively, it's always better to send a draft before the deadline without officially delivering, so you can receive feedback on whether they like it or not.

2. So, if they don't love it, you'll definitely have to work on it. But you've only sent a draft, so there's no use for them to keep it.

3. If they do love it, and they need any further changes, you can work on them and then make an official delivery.

In my experience, once they confirm the design and after you deliver, they cannot just say, 'We don't like it.' In this case, you can come to a point and show their confirmation to them, as well as to Fiverr Customer Support. This way, you have proof that the buyer was satisfied with the work but is now trying to scam.In this case, Fiverr will definitely help you, and at the very least, you could come to a partial refund instead of a full refund.

hope this might help 


On 10/14/2023 at 9:08 AM, shuvo_va said:

To avoid this buyer we can check their previous order compete number.

We can check their profile created date(spammer create new fiverr account to cheat other).

We can check the resting & review of other seller about the buyer.

We also judge the fake buyer by conversation. 

100% agreed!

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