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Hi! PRO guys I need guidance for my this GIG.


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  • imbilawalsamoon changed the title to Why is necessary to sign up Fiverr Forum for seller?

After long time I created my new account but this time I can see that competition is very higher. But I believe that if someone has pro skills and many years of experience they will make more revenue again. I am senior Graphic Designer. Hopping all will be the best for all new freelancers. 

This is my profile I wish you guys visit and like my every gig 🙂 


If someone adds their experience below this post I will be appreciated. 

Thank you.

Edited by imbilawalsamoon
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Why is necessary to sign up Fiverr Forum for seller?

Topics merged, please read the forum rules.

In answer to your question (formerly one ofvthe topic titles), it is NOT necessary to join the Fiverr forums. It can be helpful, if you're willing to read and learn.

Where did you read or heard that it's necessary?

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3 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Topics merged, please read the forum rules.

In answer to your question (formerly one ofvthe topic titles), it is NOT necessary to join the Fiverr forums. It can be helpful, if you're willing to read and learn.

Where did you read or heard that it's necessary?

I did not hear from anywhere but it seems. I apologize perhaps I should change my question. But please let me know if this can help to increase their sales.

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59 minutes ago, imbilawalsamoon said:

My New question is 

... I just said:

1 hour ago, imagination7413 said:

Topics merged, please read the forum rules.

Opening multiple threads for the same topic is not permitted. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken. Failure to follow the rules can result in further warnings, a suspension, or a ban.

1 hour ago, imbilawalsamoon said:

Can I do increase my sales via email marketing?

Any helpful article OR video link? Please

In theory, yes. In practice, spam is considered annoying. 


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