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need your opining on my GIG


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Hi, hope everyone is doing well

I started recently on Fiverr about 20 days and so far I got just 36 Impressions and 1 click, no orders yet, here's a link to my GIG

I offer web scraping/data mining and web and windows automation, would it be better if I make a different GIG for each service?

At first, my GIG description was too long, and it was cut off, I didn't notice that until later could be the reason I didn't get an order from that click or at lest a message

now I fixed my GIG description and did some other improvements but still no clicks no messages

I tried to look for the SEO title when editing my GIG, couldn't find it, is it no loner a thing?

I'm sure there are other improvements I'm missing that you may help me figure out

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Hi @zakijesk! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum!

On 7/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, zakijesk said:

I got just 36 Impressions and 1 click

Those are great numbers, how are they looking now?

On 7/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, zakijesk said:

I offer web scraping/data mining and web and windows automation, would it be better if I make a different GIG for each service?

I would make a different gig for each service - this would make it easier for relevant buyers to find you.

On 7/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, zakijesk said:

At first, my GIG description was too long, and it was cut off, I didn't notice that until later could be the reason I didn't get an order from that click or at lest a message

I do recommend keeping the title short so that it can be read by a buyer without the buyer having to hover over the title. Buyers only have seconds to decide whether to click on your gig card or not - so the easier you can make it for them to understand your services, the better chances you have of them clicking on your gig card. You also have too many words on your gig card. Try to have 1-3 words that clearly describe your services.

On 7/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, zakijesk said:

I tried to look for the SEO title when editing my GIG, couldn't find it, is it no loner a thing?

It no longer exists. Fiverr got rid of that.

On 7/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, zakijesk said:

I'm sure there are other improvements I'm missing that you may help me figure out

I see that you include a lot of what you do, but try to focus less on what your service is and more on what it can do for your clients. Clients need to be reminded of why they need your services, so if you can make a compelling case of why they need the services (and how you are the solution), you'll have a better chance of getting orders.

Also, can you share your data? How many impressions, clicks, and inquiries are you getting right now? Is it increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?

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