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the reason of " Your Gigs cannot be promoted right now. We'll notify you as soon as this changes."?

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I recently received a notice stating that "Your Gigs cannot be promoted right now. We'll notify you as soon as this changes." However, I find it puzzling since I have more than 1,000 orders. I contacted support to inquire about the reasons behind this issue, but they simply mentioned that it is due to Fiverr's algorithms. I am wondering if anyone might know the specific reason or have suggestions on how I can resolve this matter.

If anyone could take a look at my gig example, such as this one: link to your gig, and provide any insights into the possible problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for any assistance or guidance.

Best regards,

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  • 5 months later...

I've been dealing with this on one of my gigs, too. It tells me it's not eligible, but I can't get a straight answer from support as to why. According to the "reference material" I've been sent, I meet all criteria and they just keep telling me that it's not eligible and to give it a few days. That was a week ago, so I reached back out again today, and have been told the same thing. I'm pressing the issue because I'd really like to know what they are looking at.

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31 minutes ago, stardust_sigils said:

but I can't get a straight answer from support as to why.

This is because support can't "see" all of the hidden "additional quality metrics" that are factored into determining Promoted Gig eligibility. Promoted Gig eligibility is based on an automated system that factors in your performance, the performance of other sellers in your category, as well as buyer behavior/activity. It's a pretty complicated algorithm, and support doesn't know all of the different factors that are being taken into account. All they can tell you is that eligibility can change from day to day as the system processes new information from sellers and buyers on the platform.

What we do know is that the more orders you get, the higher chances you'll have of qualifying for Promoted Gigs, especially if you have no cancelations and a good Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR). Your BSR is the hidden metrics that has the most impact on eligibility to Fiverr's features. This is heavily based on the private reviews that you have (note: you can still have negative private reviews even though you have only 5-star reviews).

Here are the two factors of your Gig Match score that play heavily into your Promoted Gig eligibility and placement:



So your order communication, BSR, and buyer potential to return to your Gig, as well as other factors included in your "appearance quality" and "delivery quality."

This is taken from the Help Center, which talks about ad ranking (but also applies to eligibility):


There's also a good Promoted Gigs webinar that talks about how you can improve your performance for Promoted Gigs:

https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs (scroll to the very bottom of the page)

Start watching the "Best Practices" from 5:18 - you might also find the Q&A section helpful (at 45:00).

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