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If you are truly depressed, first you need to get mental health counseling. With that out of the way, there are several things you could be doing to improve your gig in order to get more orders. Here I leave you with a guide I wrote on how you could potentially do it:


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First, I would tell them to read this guide to make sure there gig is up to standard before promoting them on social media:

Second I would say that they should pick one or two platforms first and try to make the most of those two before moving on to any more. Starting out with something like Facebook and Instagram is a good way since they are already interconnected and you can post on them at the same time right from either platform.

With regards to Facebook I would suggest joining nice specific groups and sharing your posts on there as well as commenting and being a valuable member of each group, that will go a long way towards establishing you as an expert in your field and that more than anything is what will get you clicks, views and orders.

In Instagram I suggest using a nice mix of posts, stories and reels and making sure to use interesting shots of your work process, good pictures of your completed derivables and use trending audios to get some more eyes on your work.

Hope this helps you out in some way.

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