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Bad title that got my gig/seller profile denied, any luck if I try support?



HI All:

I am a physics phd graduate. I have spent many years grading lab reports and doing more advanced labs. I have a lot of experience in writing up a good lab report and do proper data analysis on it. I had hoped to pass this knowledge on here. In my current line of work, I no longer teach lab, but that was always fun for me. 

When building my Fiverr gig title and profile, I was trying to describe 'writing up lab reports' and went the title 'Review and write your lab reports', which in retrospect I can see how that will immediately violate the TOS. I believe I should have gone for something like 'proofread and build?/ create? a better lab report'  

Anyway, if I try Fiverr support, would I have a chance to get this fixed or is my Fiverr future currently shot =( ?


Thanks for any feedback.  

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7 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, danleephysicist said:

I believe I should have gone for something like 'proofread and build?/ create? a better lab report

It might have been something to do with academic work since doing academic work that someone should do themselves isn't allowed (if that's what they thought you were doing). This page has some rules about what isn't allowed: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services

For some reason Fiverr doesn't seem to like the phrase "lab report". If I go to your profile and put the mouse over the skill "Lab Report"  it changes the URL to one ending in "text_violations" so that seems to mean that they don't want "lab report" searched for/used.

14 minutes ago, danleephysicist said:

Anyway, if I try Fiverr support, would I have a chance to get this fixed or is my Fiverr future currently shot

It's worth contacting them about it if they've disabled the account or given a warning when you weren't doing anything against the rules. Normally you get 3 warnings (or 2 if it's the same thing). But you could try to get them to remove the warning eg. if you weren't actually doing anything against the rules.

Edited by uk1000
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Ah ok, that would make sense. When i search up 'physics lab' i do see results of people offering homework help and lab help but no profile has 'lab report' together. So that might in fact trigger the bots. 


I have been working in academia for the last 6 years now, so i do believe in academic integrity 😅. But i know students always struggle with what the labs are trying to teach and ultimately leads them to writing lab reports which are not within the scope of the topic. I want to to be able to nudge them in that direction by discussing the lab. i have that works wonders for most students. 


Thanks, i will give support a try. 

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24 minutes ago, danleephysicist said:

Ah ok, that would make sense. When i search up 'physics lab' i do see results of people offering homework help and lab help but no profile has 'lab report' together. So that might in fact trigger the bots. 

Well they have not been caught yet. They will be caught sooner or later. However offering academic services on Fiverr is strictly prohibited.. 

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25 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

You were offering Lab Report services.. Not tutoring! 

Kindly read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360020869438-Academic-services-on-Fiverr---The-Dos-and-Donts

Ah i see how this does seem to be a gray area. I had thought to teach the topic of the lab report itself. Students understand the class applications but not the practical side, so I know students usually have issues understanding why they are doing this lab and the concepts being thought to them. But once they learn what the lab is they can write a good report. 


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Guest pixelmanipul8

I had a similar experience where my seller account was also denied on Fiverr. I added a gig for Photoshop editing. At the end of the gig description, I included a note stating, "I do not provide official document editing or illegal/adult material." I am wondering if this was the reason for my account being denied. I have already reached out to customer service for assistance, but unfortunately, I have not received a response for over 12 hours.

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