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How can I get more work


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Here are a few suggestions to help you get more work on Fiverr:

  1. Optimize your gig descriptions and make sure they accurately reflect the services you offer.
  2. Offer competitive prices and consider adding additional services or packages to attract more buyers.
  3. Promote your gigs on social media and other platforms to reach a wider audience.
  4. Engage with potential buyers by responding promptly to messages and custom offers.
  5. Create a positive reputation by delivering quality work.
  6. Diversify your skills and consider branching out into related areas to attract a wider range of clients.

Remember, getting more work takes time and effort, so stay persistent and keep refining your strategy. Good luck!

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Your profile is the first thing that potential clients see when they visit your Fiverr page.

Make sure it looks professional and showcases your skills and expertise.

Optimize your gig titles, descriptions, and tags to make them more searchable.

Use keywords that potential clients might search for when looking for a graphic designer.

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Bro. You're a level 2 seller with 100+ reviews. You're probably already doing everything as correctly as you can.
If you got a sudden drop-off, it's because of that random 1-star guy. From what I understand, it's mainly just a waiting game for that to stop affecting your gig.

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