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You might think, as a freelancer, that you aim to generate as much business as possible without leaving anyone out. You try to create as broad a target audience as possible, perhaps even saying that your services are for "anyone" or "everyone". However, when you try to include too many people in your target audience, it is not clear who you can help or what you can offer.

To avoid this, you need to define your target audience. That will allow your business to grow, attracting the kind of customers you want to work with. Your goal is to be able to tell whether or not you can serve someone, and whether or not you want to serve someone.

Here are four simple steps you can take to achieve this:

Step 1: Understand the pain points of your target audience.
The first step you need to take is to think from the perspective of your target audience. You need to understand the challenges they face so that you can solve them. If there are specific pain points that they encounter repeatedly, then you need to know them. Understand them well and consider them the starting point for all other steps.

Step 2: Find out the problems you solve for your target audience
The next step is to apply what you have learned about the pain points of your target audience. In this step, you are putting their pain points in terms of what you have to offer them. The clearer it is that you have adapted your services to their pain points, the stronger you will feel with your target audience. Try to use the same vocabulary they use to describe their challenges to describe your solutions as well.

Step 3: Look to other freelancers for ideas and guidance.
After this, you are going to take a step back from your own planning and your own business. You don't need to figure everything out from scratch. Instead, you can look at what other freelancers have done to define your target audience. To do this, look at how they present their services and how they describe their offerings.

Step 4: Conduct your own demographic research
The fourth step is the most technical. During this step, you conduct research. There are several methods to research your target audience, such as surveys and interviews. You'll want to contact the people you think might belong to your target audience to get an even firmer perspective on who they are.

Once you have followed these four steps, you can begin to improve your profile, research your audience on an ongoing basis, and set and reset goals for growth and expansion. Every step of the way, keep in mind what your target audience wants from you, as well as how they expect you to help them and what your demographics say about them.

For example, if you have learned that your target audience needs your help in clarifying the messaging or branding they use to communicate with your customers, you should integrate that knowledge into your performance descriptions. The key to effective segmentation is to gather as much information as possible and then apply it clearly.

As you get a clearer picture of your target audience, you can not only get more business for yourself, but also get more of the kind of business you want.



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On 11/11/2022 at 11:56 PM, rachidraj said:

You might think, as a freelancer, that you aim to generate as much business as possible without leaving anyone out. You try to create as broad a target audience as possible, perhaps even saying that your services are for "anyone" or "everyone". However, when you try to include too many people in your target audience, it is not clear who you can help or what you can offer.

To avoid this, you need to define your target audience. That will allow your business to grow, attracting the kind of customers you want to work with. Your goal is to be able to tell whether or not you can serve someone, and whether or not you want to serve someone.

Here are four simple steps you can take to achieve this:

Step 1: Understand the pain points of your target audience.
The first step you need to take is to think from the perspective of your target audience. You need to understand the challenges they face so that you can solve them. If there are specific pain points that they encounter repeatedly, then you need to know them. Understand them well and consider them the starting point for all other steps.

Step 2: Find out the problems you solve for your target audience
The next step is to apply what you have learned about the pain points of your target audience. In this step, you are putting their pain points in terms of what you have to offer them. The clearer it is that you have adapted your services to their pain points, the stronger you will feel with your target audience. Try to use the same vocabulary they use to describe their challenges to describe your solutions as well.

Step 3: Look to other freelancers for ideas and guidance.
After this, you are going to take a step back from your own planning and your own business. You don't need to figure everything out from scratch. Instead, you can look at what other freelancers have done to define your target audience. To do this, look at how they present their services and how they describe their offerings.

Step 4: Conduct your own demographic research
The fourth step is the most technical. During this step, you conduct research. There are several methods to research your target audience, such as surveys and interviews. You'll want to contact the people you think might belong to your target audience to get an even firmer perspective on who they are.

Once you have followed these four steps, you can begin to improve your profile, research your audience on an ongoing basis, and set and reset goals for growth and expansion. Every step of the way, keep in mind what your target audience wants from you, as well as how they expect you to help them and what your demographics say about them.

For example, if you have learned that your target audience needs your help in clarifying the messaging or branding they use to communicate with your customers, you should integrate that knowledge into your performance descriptions. The key to effective segmentation is to gather as much information as possible and then apply it clearly.

As you get a clearer picture of your target audience, you can not only get more business for yourself, but also get more of the kind of business you want.



Thank You so much dear. as a new seller, how much should I set in Brief for Data entry, PDF conversion, and Social media profile setup work?

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How to Build Buyer Loyalty

Once you focus on providing a quality service to your customer, it is quite easy to miss out on the details surrounding it. Delivering quality service is not just about the work you do. It's about the whole experience that surrounds the process. You need to focus on creating a pleasant experience from start to finish. Buyers who enjoy the service and feel good about it will come back. 


How do you make their experience great? Let's take a look at some best principles that will help you achieve this:

A- Develop good communication skills
Communication is the springboard for everything that follows. Keep your communication upbeat and respectful. Let your buyers know that you support them. Even if you can't give a thoughtful response right away. You can tell them that you will respond in due course. Read their messages carefully and respond promptly. This will get them off to a good start and show them that they are working with a salesperson they can rely on. 

B- Set the right expectations
You can make the best cheesecake in the world. But if your buyers want ice cream, they want ice cream. Be clear about what you offer. Tell your buyers what you can and cannot do for them and they will know if you are a good match. Are you offering what the buyer needs? If so, that's great. Are you not offering it? Not bad either. You've just saved valuable time and effort for both of you.


C- Keep your buyers informed
You have reached an agreement with the buyer. The countdown to the order is on. You disappear into your darkroom, only to emerge 7 days later with your brilliant work product in hand. It meets the buyer's expectations. Surprised, you discover that your buyer is not very happy. After all, they have been kept in the dark for the past few days. Keeping them out of the process not only creates uncertainty, but also disconnects them from the service. Inform your buyers when the order takes longer than 2 or 3 days. They will be happier and more engaged with you.

D- Respect deadlines
It is essential to respect your buyers' deadlines. They probably have their own deadlines too. If you are late, they will be too. 

It is better to add an extra day to your deadline and deliver earlier than to miss a deadline and deliver a day late. Don't promise anything and deliver more. 


E- Be open to revision requests and feedback
Feedback from your buyers is an opportunity to improve your work. Approach revisions with a learning mindset. Every situation becomes a chance for you to improve. Sometimes you may not agree with the feedback. That's okay too. Respect your buyers' decisions and don't argue with them. It is your buyers who should be satisfied with the service. Thank them for their feedback and act on it.


F- Provide a high quality service
You've made sure your buyer has a great experience so far. The final ingredient to an exceptional buyer experience? Providing quality service. Make sure you give each project your full attention and expertise. Keep this in mind and your buyers will get what they've been looking for. 

Put these practices together and you will create an experience for your buyer that will make you stand out from the competition. They'll definitely keep coming back for more.

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Your Gig's success depends on key metrics such as conversion rate (CR) and click-through rate (CTR).

A- Conversion Rate (CR)
Your conversion rate represents the number of people who placed an order after clicking on your Gig. A high conversion rate indicates that your Gig page effectively reflects the value of your service and is likely to increase your Gig's visibility in the marketplace. 


Actions to Improve Your Conversion Rate:
Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your Gig: Professional images and videos will catch buyers' attention and reflect the quality of your service. Use large fonts to make the image text readable and noticeable, and consider working with a professional to present your work in the best light.


  • Stand out with a great description Gig:  the value of your service and give details about your experience and clients. Be sure to explain your work process and what you provide to set the right expectations.
  • Create custom packages and solutions: Offering options to buyers is a great way to reach a wider audience of buyers with specific needs, and increases your chances of winning more orders. 
  • Offer additional services: Selling additional services on top of your packages can help you gain a competitive advantage when buyers filter by specific services and increase your selling price per order. 
  • Add a Frequently Asked Questions section: Give your customers more information and set expectations up front by answering the most common questions they ask about your service. 


B- Click Through Rate (CTR)
The click-through rate indicates how often people click on your Gig after seeing it in search results. A high click-through rate indicates that your ad is relevant to potential buyers and is more likely to gain exposure in the marketplace.

Things you can do to improve your click-through rate: 

  • Make sure the information on your gig card is accurate and clear: Your gig card is your storefront and is essential in helping potential buyers understand and click on what you offer. This is the best way to generate clicks and increase your CTR. 
  • Use high quality images and videos to showcase your gig: Professional images and videos will catch buyers' attention and reflect the quality of your service. Use large fonts to make the image text readable and noticeable, and consider working with a professional to present your work in the best light.
  • Include keywords in your Gig title: Make sure your text is grammatically correct to increase trust in your service, and use keywords that might match what buyers are looking for. This will help them find your Gig more easily.
  • Attract more buyers with competitive pricing: Your initial price should always reflect the time and effort you put into your work. However, comparing your price to the competition can help you attract more buyers. Remember, you can always sell additional services to increase your selling price.
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