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How to share gig on Social media without doing spam?


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Let's think you are a logo designer like me and you want to share you want to marketting your gig on facebook , First select a logo design group then post one of your best work with a caption then after approve the post attach your gig link under comment section and write if you need logo design work please feel free to contact with me!

So How you can get more work like mine!

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Kudos for taking control of your Gig and looking to promote externally. Between the Fiverr Seller webinar topics and the frequent enhancements to the Fiverr website widget, In my OPINION, Fiverr really likes when Sellers do this and has the data to show how it helps. 

Social media is a great avenue for this if done correctly. I do not want to give you an endless list of "Marketing 101" tips that i have never used so I will instead share what works for me and what I have personally done. I am confident other social media rock stars in here will chime in with other golden nuggets 🙂

Firstly, I think it is important to broaden your definition of what "social media channels" there are, besides the Big Four, I would encourage you to consider Telegram, Discord, Meetup, and even WeChat as social channels. 

With your "social channel" options widened, I would next encourage you to consider creating your own "pond" instead of only fishing in others'. Nothing wrong with contacting an Admin or Organizer and pitching yourself but I can tell you as an organizer and Admin of massive communities I get pitched 8-10 times an hour and can not read half of them. What I mean by creating a "pond" instead of fishing in others is to build your own community instead of only relying on other gatekeepers.

I can tell you firsthand how mind blowingly (not sure if it is a word, lol) rewarding and profitable it is to build your own. 

I would not suggest this to just anybody but you are a Fiverr seller and therefore must be skilled in a certain area others want to hire for. Creating a community on Facebook, Meetup, Telegram or Discord around this will show you returns quickly. 

Side benefit to the above is once you get a few dozen or so people in your community, REAL PEOPLE, then other communities of equal size reach out to you to collab. When I get pitched by a community owner it becomes a priority for me to reply.

If you feel the above is a lot of Hocus-Pocus, I get it, it is not easy, but it 100% worked for me (still does) and I will 100% share all I know with you for free here, so why not? Still, here is a trick I am recently discovering with some other local Fiverr Seller buddies (Miami) that is working GREAT,...apply for the Fiverr Affiliate program, create a short Loom video showing how easy the process is, then share this video in your pitch to other Admins/Organizers on how they can get paid directly from Fiverr for sharing your Gig to their community (if your Gig allows for a freebie, give this Admin a free sample of your work on a real project they have). Running a community has costs so when an Admin/Organizer sees a way to offer real value to their community AND get paid for it from a trusted source on Fiverr then this translates into a WIN for you and your Gigs 🙂

I could go on and n but I want this to be easy to digest and execute on. 

I really hope this helps.


Warm regards, 


Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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