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MP3 Gig Audio Files


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My gig is music curation.  I do not make original music.  How can I upload an mp3 file of music when I don't have the rights to do so?  I use Spotify and Apple to create custom playlists for customers.  My sample work is all on the actual websites for Apple and Spotify.  Is there a way to work around this?  Making this a required field is not user friendly for all forms of music creation.  Please help!

Edited by karenh888
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If you're gig is for curation, then you shouldn't need to upload an MP3 of music. I'm guessing uploading an MP3 is a required field to publish the gig? Which category are you trying to open a gig in? 

If you're sure you're in the right category, and it's requiring a sound file, you could try recording a voice clip that introduces your service.

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3 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

If you're gig is for curation, then you shouldn't need to upload an MP3 of music. I'm guessing uploading an MP3 is a required field to publish the gig? Which category are you trying to open a gig in? 

If you're sure you're in the right category, and it's requiring a sound file, you could try recording a voice clip that introduces your service.

I am trying to use the Music & Audio category with "Other" as the subcategory.  I don't see that other people have this on their curation gigs.  

Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 11.42.26 AM.png

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2 hours ago, karenh888 said:

My gig is music curation.  I do not make original music.  How can I upload an mp3 file of music when I don't have the rights to do so?  I use Spotify and Apple to create custom playlists for customers.  My sample work is all on the actual websites for Apple and Spotify.  Is there a way to work around this?  Making this a required field is not user friendly for all forms of music creation.  Please help!

Since you can't upload copyrighted material, the only way to do this would be to link to your playlists. Before you do that, contact support to make sure that's all ok. 

I don't think the audio category is made for music curation. I didn't even know that was a thing, until now. 

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Thank you all for your replies.  I have submitted a question to customer support.  There really isn't a correct category for this service.  We

will see what happens.  I have been doing it for years successfully and it's a needed gig. 

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Music curation is not a field of “music and audio” because it doesn’t contribute to the design of either. Much like “grocery store employee” isn’t in the field of “agricultural.” 

My instinct tells me that you’re not going to find a sizable enough audience to maintain a successful trajectory with “curation” on Fiverr’s “music and audio.”

But to be fair, my instinct also once told me to start drinking coffee at eight years old. I don’t regret that choice, however, and it allows me the delusion of believing I could have grown to 6’9 without my own intervention. 

The music and audio field solicits customers needing the services of musicians and audio specialists. They need original work or contribution with their early designs. Your audience isn’t there. 

I assume that you’re offering services that range from “employer curation” to possible “playlist placement?” In either case, you’re probably better off representing your services as “marketing.” Most music curation operates outside those lines, but your clientele is more likely to consider spending money on those services as “marketing budget.”


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8 hours ago, damooch916 said:

Music curation is not a field of “music and audio” because it doesn’t contribute to the design of either. Much like “grocery store employee” isn’t in the field of “agricultural.” 

I agree, to a certain extent. Yet, curating music that envokes a certain mood, feeling or ambiance, can certainly contribute to the design in some ways. It might be deeply personal, but knowing what works or not can certainly have an effect on the way music is presented. Even so, the core of your argument holds up, in my opinion. 

8 hours ago, damooch916 said:

But to be fair, my instinct also once told me to start drinking coffee at eight years old. I don’t regret that choice, however, and it allows me the delusion of believing I could have grown to 6’9 without my own intervention.

I started at 4. Maybe that explains my enthralling hight. I'm 5'7. On second thought, I blame smoking from an early age. 


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5 hours ago, smashradio said:

Yet, curating music that envokes a certain mood

You’re slightly misinterpreting my comments. Which, is fine. But I prefer you do so through a kaleidoscope, after two shots of espresso, enduring intense short term dementia brought about by severe insomnia and only after excruciating two hour upper body workouts. It’s a monstrous routine that defies all linguistic credibility - and to that end, I’ll give you a pass for misunderstanding any/all of my comments. I will also give you a fancy, “you’ve joined my club” sticker (available where all hasbro toys are sold).

Regardless, I’m not referring to the “music and audio” of the existential variety. I don’t mean as a construct or concept. I’m not saying “in these practices entirely, curation doesn’t belong.”

I’m referring to the fact that as a section on fiverr, the music and audio clientele is most likely not the music curator clientele. This is precisely because it caters almost exclusively to people creating, contributing to the creation and the completion of music and audio. I was being swift, but cordial and honest (don’t tell anyone … I wouldn’t want to gain a reputation). 

I wouldn’t have aimed to to discredit curators based on OP’s question. That would be out of place and unwarranted. I only aim to discredit the truly deplorable. And I hardly miss.

Had I meant to discount playlist curators, I would have done so with a jackhammer. After pouring acid on all nuance, just to be clear.

As for coffee, its widely understood that since 2013 I’ve held the title of “Forum Coffee Czar.”

Yes, it’s true that I paid for this title at one of those online “championship belt makers.” But I don’t see why that should hinder me from going around and telling everyone. It’s as legitimate as anything else … I mean … sure, I thought it was a little weird when the belt maker asked for topless photos in exchange for a discount.

But every bit helps.

It’s actually one of two distinct titles that I hold on this forum. The other being, “people’s champion.”

I got the same discount. 

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Took a second glance at your profile, and read your description a bit more closely, since you didn't answer my question.


Then I actually looked up the definition of the word, since you implied that my suggestion wasn't accurate.


Then I actually ran a search in Fiverr for 'curate create playlist'.

Based on the main results being almost all about submitting songs to curators, I do think you've found an untapped niche in being the curator. I can see why there is not a fully accurate category for such a service, but the 'next best thing' might probably be 'DJ mixing' (I found a few playlist gigs already in that category).

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As a new forum user, you are limited in the number of posts you can make in a day. I appreciate the 'thanks', but, since you have limited posts, you might be better using the reactions to say thanks, in case you need to use a post to respond to something more urgent.

(As an added post-saving bonus: you can also respond to multiple people in one post.)

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On 6/9/2022 at 10:35 PM, damooch916 said:

This is precisely because it caters almost exclusively to people creating, contributing to the creation and the completion of music and audio.

For the same reason that a DJ would not be listed in a vertical consisting of creators, they are rather, presenters of other people's work. 

Tom Hanks Hello GIF 

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